A Brother's Betrayal

Bret & Owen Hart)The Harts (Bret & Owen Hart) vs The Quebecers - WWF Royal Rumble 1994

We're not the Mounties. We always get our maaaaaan! Love it. This match was pretty good. Obviously just a match to progress a different story but it was great nonetheless. The opening minutes with Owen were a bit sloppy but nothing major and everything got on track soon enough. Wasn't a typical FIP match with pretty much even work and it was great, Quebecers were good at the smarmy heel work and Bret and Owen did some nice looking spots. Nothing was was spectacular, everything was very simple and basic but it worked. Then the Bret knee angle happened. This is where the match is the best. Bret's selling of the knee was top notch here. The Quebecers working on the leg was great, though the use of the cane was great, I loved it despite me hating it at the same time because the Quebecers are great heels. Another thing, Dibiase's commentary in this match is great. ***3/4

Bret Hart vs  Owen Hart - WWF WrestleMania X 1994

This was pretty F'N incredible. Owen's character work was awesome, great and added something more to this match other than just wrestling. But the wrestling was damn good, technical masterpiece. Bret's selling of the leg was amazing. EVERYONE WATCH THIS GUY WHEN HE SELLS. Probably the 2nd best match in WWE history behind Austin and guess who, Bret Hart. *****

Bret Hart vs  Owen Hart - WWF SummerSlam 1994

Quite possibly the best steel cage match in WWE history. So much story and history behind this match. The WM match, the family arguments, the interviews, everything was going for this match and suggested that it was going to be something special and special it was. Even though the escape stip is rather dumb, they play to the stip perfectly in this match, the spot where they were climbing over each other was great and had me marking out. That's all I really need to say about this match. Perfect. Watch this match. *****
