EVOLVE 104 Review


Zachary Wentz vs AR Fox: ***¼ 
Fun opener.  They had a good a showcase of their high flying abilities. Zachary Wentz was most impressive and the crowd respond to him fairly well in the match. I’ve only really seen Wentz in DG where he was pretty great and I’m looking forward to seeing what he can do in a different setting, good start so far. One more thing, I’m kinda liking this party gimmick, AR Fox has. Because it makes him more than a flips guy that you see on every other indy. 

Josh Briggs vs. Tommy Maserati: Squash
This match ended before I finished my thoughts on the previous match. 

Dominic Garrini vs. Tracy Williams: ***
Another decent match, it was very heated and they played up the the hatred fairly well. It was fast paced but very crisp at the same time. My only fault with it was that the finish should’ve happened when Williams caught Garrini when he did the low blow, that would’ve been a good ending but they went a bit longer and he tapped him out on the next submission. Bit pointless there but oh well, solid match. 

Amarok, J. Spade & Johnny Flex vs. Chris Castro, Isaias Velazquez & Matt Knicks: **½ 
This was okay. Decent enough. There was some nice tag team wrestling but I’ve never seen any of these people before which affected my investment into the match. Still enjoyable but it did kinda drag at times. 

Anthony Henry vs. Stevie Fierce: **¾ 
Another perfectly fine match. It seemed like the crowd was familiar with both men (I assume that they were local talent) which meant the crowd was into it more than I was. 

Austin Theory (c) vs. DJ Z: **½ 
Yet another perfectly fine match. Nothing much to say about it. 

Catch Point (Chris Dickinson & Jaka) (c) vs. The End (Odinson & Parrow): ***¼ 
I liked this match. Just a massive brawl. Very entertaining. Didn’t go longer than it needed to be. 

Darby Allin vs. Trey Miguel vs. Myron Reed vs. Snoop Strikes: **¾ 
Decent 4-way. Very chaotic but fun. 

……………………………………..........Candy Cartwright…………………………………..nice

James Drake vs. Keith Lee: ***¼ 
Good hoss battle with them just laying into each other. It was fun Lee was pretty awesome. 

Shane Strickland vs Matt Riddle: ***½ 
Pretty good match. Loved the selling of Riddle as well as the work my Strickland. Nice ending as well, adds some edge to Strickland and good lead way into a new top feud for EVOLVE. 
