Kenta Kobashi Produce: Fortune Dream 5 - 11/06/18

Kenta Kobashi Produce: Fortune Dream 5 - 11/06/18

Kazumi Kikuta vs. Kotaro Suzuki: **¾
A smartly worked opener. K.Suzuki looked pretty good in offence, controlling Kikuta for the majority of the match with Kiuta getting a few hope spots in here and there. Nothing too special but overall, a decent match-up.

Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Io Shirai vs. Meiko Satomura: ***¾
Just having this match is special enough, you got the MVP of 2017 in Hiroyo Matsumoto, the current MVP of 2018 in Io Shirai and imo, the best women’s wrestler in the past decade (and longer) in Meiko Satomura. This was a very well worked triple threat match with a good enough ending. they did pull off some tremendous work in the match. Io pulled off this nutty spot where she did a springboard double foot stomp on MeikoSatamura who was on Hiroyo’s knees. Just a tip of the iceberg. Loads of spots, both single and double team, that looked great and never felt forced or planned.  Highly recommended.

Koki Kitahara & Mitsuya Nagai vs. Naomichi Marufuji & Super Tiger: **¼
There was nothing wrong with this match, just overall forgettable and it dragged for the most part. Obviously Marufuji was the best part of the match and had some decent spots with Kitahara but that and a neat finishing stretch, this was meh. But Satoru Sayama aka Tiger Mask 1 showing up and embracing with Super Tiger, Nagai, Marufuji, Kobashi and Kitahara was a great moment, I must say.

Go Shiozaki, Yuji Hino & Zeus vs. Akitoshi Saito, Katsuhiko Nakajima & Kohei Sato: ***¾
My first point is I have no doubt that when Sato and Hino were exchanging chops in front of Kobashi, Kobashi had a chubby. No doubt.  This was was a F’N spectacle and a half. Everyone stiffed the shite out of each other with kicks, chops, lariats ad slaps. So much fun. It was very entertaining and went by like a breeze. Spot of the match was Nakamjima ducking a chop from Hino much to the disdain of the crowd whilst laughing in amusement. Never a dull moment in this match and everyone looked great. It just clicked.  

Ayato Yoshida & Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Takuya Nomura & Toru Sugiura: ****
The amount of potential this match has is quite astonishing. Kaito Kiyomiya, Nomura, Sugiura and Yoshida. Just wow. The match itself was fantastic. Honestly, this was the correct choice for what match main evented this match. Kiyomiya’s babyface performance in this match was 10/10. He showed so much fire, sold his ass off for everyone, looked great in offence (although not better than some others in the match) and created some drama in the match. His interactions with Nomura were really good as these two have a little history with them both facing each other and having multiple tag matches with each other for NOAH. Nomura played his role as the dickhead bully heel so well, just picking on Kiyomiya and kicking the hell out of him and his leg. But the best part of this match was Kiyomiya vs Sugiura. What a stretch between these two. They were just exchanging blows and stikes, stiff stikes at that, laying into each other. That bit was awesome. Sugiuras overall offence was fantastic as well. His striking was stiff and pointpoint, he pulled off a ice display of athleticism, jumping on the top rope with ease and hitting a cross body.  His facial expressions were amazing and added that little extra something to the match. I got to watch more FREEDOMS for this guy alone. He is tremendous. Ayato Yoshida is a good wrestler with great pot etial but he didn’t really do much tbh, mostly due to Kiyomiya being in the match for the most part. That’s a shame, wish he showed more of what he can do in the match. Nevertheless, this was a marvelous match with some great performances from most involved. Kiyomiya and Sugiura came out of this match looking like stars.
