BJW Talk #1

BJW Midsummer Korakuen 2 Battles - Day One 12/08

Daisuke Sekimoto & Hideki Suzuki vs Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura 

As good as you would expect. Nomura and H.Suzuki start of with some nice strikes, Hideki covering up, getting overwhelmed by Nomura who gets him to the ground and kicks and stomps at him. Nomra and Abe constantly double team on Hideki to get the advantage and everytime one looks in trouble, the other comes in to lay in some heavy strikes. Pretty fun seeing Hideki on the defensive, having to sprawl away in desperation a lot. Nomura looked to have Hideki’s number whereas Abe looked the one who was more open. Sekimoto was just waiting on the sidelines, looking to show off his power and explosiveness. It may have gone a bit longer than it did but still a pretty good match. ***½

Abdullah Kobayashi & Yoshihisa Uto vs. Crazy Lovers (Masashi Takeda & Takumi Tsukamoto) 

Deathmatches are always fun and this was no exception. Takeda and Takumi are crazy as fuck, hitting each other on the head with light tubes to psych themselves up. Kobayashi did his usual routine, Uto is just trying to survive without a punctured artery. Good stuff. ***¼

Okami (Daichi Hashimoto & Hideyoshi Kamitani) vs. Ryota Hama & Yasufumi Nakanoue

The Daichi and Nakanoue parts where very good, showing tension based of their BJW Strong title match dew months match, laying into each other with some hard strikes, Daichi with the kicks, Nakanoue with the forearms. Hama was Hama and Kamitani did nothing remarkable. ***¼ 

BJW Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Shinobu (c) vs. Kazuki Hashimoto

Admittedly my full focus wasn’t entirely on the match. Not really familiar with Shinobu and my interest was low for the match. It was okay from what I saw, the crowd seemed to like it. Needed something to grab me and it just failed to connect. **¼

BJW Death Mania IV 19/08

BJW Strong World Heavyweight Title Match - Hideki Suzuki (c) vs. Hideyoshi Kamitani

I thought this was decent. Not great but decent enough. There was times where Kamitani looked to be getting the better of Hideki, there wasn’t enough of that to make me think this had a chance of Hideki losing the title. So this was just a good match where there was no heat and little doubt about the winner. ***¼

BJW Deathmatch Heavyweight Title Light Tubes & Double Board Death Match - 

Yet another good title defence for Takeda. Very violent match, loads of great weapon use as well as the mix of good traditional wrestling. Very good match. ***¾ 
