NOAH Global Junior League 2018 - Day 10 04/10: Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Takashi Sugiura

I feel like I can write an essay for why this was a great match but I won't. The match is awesome, incredible even. Nakajima and Sugiura play their roles perfectly; whether it's the cunty heel (Nakajima) or the pissed off veteran fighting champion (Sugiura). Both are exceptional. Nakajima being arrogant in his body language, soaking in the crowd, playing with Sugiura throughout the match even when he had the match won, laying into some nasty kicks, cheating just because. Katsu showed why he is a prime contender for WOTY. Sugiura being on the defensive, trying to survive Nakajima's tactics, firing up at points, laying into Nakajima with some viscous elbows trying to knock some respect into his opponent. Normally the use of weapons (which is more of a weapon trope) can be eyerolling but Nakajima's facials made the spot worked for me. Everything in this match clicked for me. Not their best match but still tremendous. ****1/2
