Watching DDT, always with a smile :) - Soma Takao vs HARASHIMA DDT God Bless DDT 2014

From the start, this had an aura of compellingness around it. Perhaps it was the jarring silence the video had. The fans weren't making noise but it wasn't because they didn't care, it was more silence fueled by anticipation. Something that had to be watched and soaked in by those in attendance, and it rubbed off on me right away.

HARASHIMA, the quintessential ace that everyone loves, the veteran. He was great. He started out brutalizing Takao early on with his rather nasty kicks. It wasn't forceful but you know that they stung. And also locking in his submissions which looked very tight, the armbar especially, which leads to a nice tease of a early win, sold well by Takao's desperation to get out of the hold. Later on in the match, he adds his veterean insticts in not given Takao and easy ride - he made him earn everything he got with his constant struggling and crafty movements to get out of holds. Excellent. Soma Takao, and his RED (look at him and you'll see why it's in caps) hair, added his sparky comebacks quite nicely to the match. His flash pins were superbly done as well as his quick fire offence that the crowd bought as moves that could end the match. He was ready to put HARASHIMA away after being dominated for the early parts of the match. Takao really turns up his intensity in this match as well with some horrible stomps to the head and showing tons of aggression, seemingly having that killer instinct to get the win. Was not to be, but boy was it a ride. The finishing stretch was great because of everything I said - the struggling for holds, the urgency show by both men, the aggression. Fantastic match.

Loved HARASHIMA's post match facial expressions too, as it really put over that Takao was great but HARASHIMA was just that better, and he knows it too. ****1/2
