AJPW: Summer Of '90 (and one day of Autumn)

Triple Crown Title Match: Terry Gordy (c) vs. Stan Hansen - AJPW 08/06/1990
This cut from the ring intros to I assume mid-point of the match.

Well Hansen bombing Gordy with a lariat was a great JIP starting off point lol. Hansen’s sell for the DDT by Gordy was fantastic. He just crumbles to the side, holding his neck which set off the mauling Gordy put him through and the great desperate performance Hansen gave, even if it was just 5 minutes. The finish was simple yet brutal. Fun 6 minute clip at least. ***

Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Mitsuharu Misawa - AJPW 08/06/1990
Hot crowd from the start. As the legend goes, Baba changed the result once he heard the crowd’s chants of Misawa and his pre show merch sales, so this crowd was full pro-Misawa. Jumbo was popular, amazingly.

The match started off pretty heavy with Jumbo clubbing Misawa with some brutal offence but Misawa outsmarts him and gets the better of him, before catching him with his elbow, followed up by a pescado. Misawa slapping Jumbo after the stalemate spots was pretty cool, Jumbo seems rather stunted but he kept his composure which is classic Jumbo. The best part of the match was Jumbo beating down and working over Misawa for me. The spot where Misawa went for a cross body only for Jumbo to catch him and drop him on the rope was both visually nasty and amazing, as was the rest of the work on the neck of Misawa. Misawa fighting from beneath was good, he sold well and made great use of his offence whenever he could. The crowd was totally on Misawa’s side, being so loud so it was easy to rally behind him. Everytime Misawa would kick out of Jumbo’s moves, the crowd would stamp their feet on the floor, making rumbling noises, adding to the atmosphere. Misawa blocking the backhold driver by pushing off the ropes and stunning Jumbo’s momentum of the hold was great and an awesome transition to the closing third. The finish wasn’t particularly great but it did its job, it built suspense and that’s all you can ask for. Great match - history making. ****1/4

Triple Crown Title Match: Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Stan Hansen - AJPW 27/07/1990

This is for the vacant Triple Crown title, which was vacated by Gordy who was hospitalised.

The match started off wild, instead of Hansen rushing Misawa, it was the other way round. Misawa zeroed in on Hansen’s arm and tried to destroy it. Misawa bent and wrenched Hansen’s arm on the ropes And that sounds appealing on paper but it was actually pretty boring to watch. The match got better for the finish with some nice sequences thrown together but Hansen by then dropped the selling and pinned him with one lariat. **1/4

Triple Crown Title #1 Contendership Match: Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Mitsuharu Misawa - AJPW 01/09/1990
A similar start to the previous match between these two. Jumbo brutalises Misawa early on before Misawa fights back and establishes himself was an equal, only in fast forward. Not that I complained. The spot where Jumbo threw Misawa to the outside and followed him, only for Misawa to roll in the ring and egg him off was good. Funny, too. The Jumbo beating down Misawa portion lost me a little, it just wasn't as engaging as when Misawa was on offence. When the two began going toe-to-toe, this got a lot better. I loved the part where the two just had a slapfest with Jumbo destroying Misawa and beating his face in with some ground and pound. The final third of the match was absolutely tremendous, more than made up for an okay one in the last match. I think overall, this was the lesser match with the previous one being having a better start and middle and a hotter crowd but this was still a pretty great match with an awesome finish. ****1/4
