Nick Bockwinkel vs Jumbo Tsuruta - AJPW 23/04/1984. And NEEEEEW

Great match on all facets aside from Jumbo's selling which was pretty much non-existent once he was out of Bock's holds. Other than that, I loved the match. Bockwinkle trying to get a quick win with the cross body early on, him trying to ground Jumbo with his superior at skills, knowing when his bread and better lies and knowing where Jumbo is best. The struggle for the holds is great, at least. Then Jumbo works on the back once he learns how to escape Bock's holds and goes to town on it with stomps and brutal clubs. The finish came out of nowhere for me tbh but that's not to say that I didn't like that either. The crowd were stunned and I don't think they expected Jumbo to actually win. Great match. ****
