World Heavyweight Title Match: Daniel Bryan (c) vs The Big Show - WWE Smackdown 06/07/2019
You’ve got to love Bryan TV match. This is basically the early days of his heel run where he did everything he could to avoid facing the Giants in Big Show and Mark Henry and it was glorious to watch. The match is quite fun, Bryan is full of energy, trying to run around, slow Big Show down and get him out of breath. Big Show figures that out and throws Byran around. Simple. The finish was excellent with Bryan purposely getting Big Show DQ’d by getting in the face of Mark Henry at ringside and being pushed. His reaction to the result was amazing. ***1/4
KO-D Openweight Title Match: Tetsuya Endo (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita - DDT Wrestle Peter Pan 15/07/2019
Oh boy! This was absolutely tremendous. I was worried at first because the first few minutes made me think that this would be a slow burner where they'd do 15 minutes of mat work and then 5 minutes of the finishing stretch after a 7 hour show, which would've been so moronic and tone deaf BUT they didn't do that, thankfully. Instead that had a great match which was built around Takeshita working over Endo's back, Endo selling, gaining sympathy and making sensational comebacks. The pacing was tremendous too. The first few minutes were the breaking in periods but from then on, this was a very competitive pace to it. Building and building to the finish. Takeshita destroying Endo's back, in some cases, just throwing him with zero regard to the outside. Even suplexing him on the edge of the apron. Endo's selling was great. He was still getting his usual offence in but you could clearly see the damage and fatigue that the match had on him. The way Endo would have his little spurts of hope before Takeshita hit a massive move was so good. The atmosphere wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be - mostly attributed to Endo was his fantastic babyface performance in this match. ****3/4
Chris Hero vs. Ian Rotten - IWA Mid-South Loaded 04/05/2002
This was too raw for me. Seriously. The stiff strikes. The scarily realistic screams of agony. This is wrestling! The fact that there isn't much people at the shows makes this even better as you can hear each individual cheer and talk about the match. Hero's work on the knee was so nasty and violent. The horrible (as in good) ankle picks were a nice touch to add onto the knee work, as well. Totally blew me away. ****3/4
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