Angle/AJ (Twice!), EVOLE 1 & 2 Main Events, ROH Title Match

TNA World Heavyweight Title Match: AJ Styles (c) vs. Kurt Angle - TNA iMPACT #288 04/01/2010
This is obviously TNA’s peak, mainstream buzz wise with Hogan debuting on this show so both guys are out to impress. And the opening exchange was actually pretty great. AJ outwitting Angle and being able to hit his somersault tope, which looked amazing. Then your usual TNA bullshit happened. A masked man (Tomko) came out attacked AJ. Angle getting rid of the man and allowing AJ to recover in a show of respect was fine but why the interference? It’s by far the worst aspect of TNA and not something that should be in this match, especially that early. Of course, that wasn’t the only example with Flair coming out on the entrance, taking our attention away from the action, which had Angle locking on the ankle lock to AJ. Knee bar version and all. Just what? But I digress. The wrestling was fine but flawed in Angle-ish ways. Angle was okay in his work on the back of AJ but the whole meaning of it is made redundant because AJ kicks out of the Angle Slam to so little fanfare (at least no more than the match had already). So that was a let down. AJ’s selling of it was solid though. Not great but there was a slight sluggishness to his movements. I think the match loses some of it’s magic because they throw out finishers left and right like they are simple transition moves with no consequence or impact on the match. It’s bizarre. You can argue that Angle’s finisher isn’t the Angle slam by 2010 comes around, fair enough, but you shouldn’t kick out of the styles clash in the manner that they did. However, I did like the tempo that they went. They just lacked the struggle to make it work as tightly as they could’ve. Just disappointing. Overbooked both creatively and the work inside the ring. Not awful, but certainly not great. **3/4
Davey Richards vs. Kota Ibushi - EVOLVE 1: Richards vs. Ibush 16/01/2010
This was everyone I expected it to be but even more. Usually both guys, Davey especially, have great ideas but lack the follow through or the pay off to fully utilise it correct but here he did. Loved the early strike exchange but I loved Davey wanting to isolate Ibushi’s arm use to neutralize his supperios strikes. And the fact that he kept it up the entire match just brings his performance together. The work on the arm was great, as was the use of it for the finish. Ibushi was exclectiiying with his aerial dives and strikes as well. He worked superbly as the underneath wrestler. A heck of a match. Much more well rounded than I thought. ****1/4

TNA World Heavyweight Title Match: AJ Styles (c) vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Genesis 2010 17/01/2010
This was a much fleshed out version of their TV match. Mat exchange -> Back and forth -> Interference/Overbooked finish. With a bigger Ric Flair interference and all lol. Some fine exchanges early on, good athleticism shown, the crowd got into it. Angle’s work on the back was much better. Wasn’t as basic and surface level. It was filler and there for padding but it was nicely done. I didn’t care for the back and forth though. Angle using the Angle slam like a punch (the top rope Angle slam kick out was eye roll inducing), counters into the ankle lock. It wasn’t very interesting. There is just something about Angle that doesn’t work for me in these matches. I didn’t care for the finish. I think the middle section of the match did a poor job of leading into that finish. AJ’s heel turn came out of nowhere really. AJ never came off as desperate the entire match or anything. It felt forced. A solid match but still marred by a poor middle and bad finish, only it was longer. **3/4

ROH World Title Match: Austin Aries (c) vs. Tyler Black - ROH 8th Anniversary Show 13/02/2010
I can’t find a bunch of Ring Of Honor post 2008 so ROH matches my be scarce.

I really didn’t care for the first half of the match. Aries controlling Black was fine, exception was good, it’s just Black doesn’t really do much to make you care about him getting his butt kicked. And when don’t care when the heel is beating someone up, it doesn’t make for a good match. Then the match turned around a bit once it didn’t get so one sided but it still felt flat and empty. Black wins but the crowd didn’t care about him until he kicked Cornette. *1/2

Chris Hero vs. Ikuto Hidaka - EVOLVE 2: Hero vs. Hidaka 13/03/2010
This was a very good match. I think the match went a bit too long, had a few no-selly moments at the end but mostly a well worked technical battle. They incorporated each other’s size differences well with Hero getting most of the leverage, using strength to get certain holds while Hidaka had to find holes in Hero’s game and work it to his advantage. Hero’s work on Hidaka’s arm was the main focus, and there was some good work done. Hidaka sold it nicely as well. A better finish, a better match but this was still pretty great. ****
