DDT Progress And Harmony Of Wrestling & Ryogoku Peter Pan 2013

*An image that'll forever haunt poor Shigehiro Irie. Aw bless him

DDT Progress And Harmony Of Wrestling 17/08/2013

Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita 
Takeshita, only a year into his career, gets a big rub going against the former KO-D Champion. Omega does some good work as the dominant force in the match. From the start where he initially goes for the back to the total barrage of bombs he threw in the finishing stretch. Takeshita got tons of offence though and looked good. His selling was good and he made a good impression. ***1/2

Team Dream Futures (Keisuke Ishii, Shigehiro Irie & Soma Takao) vs. Urashimakudo (HARASHIMA, KUDO & Yasu Urano)
This is to build to the HARASHIMA vs Irie KO-D Openweight title match that takes place the next day for the DDT Ryogoku Peter Pan ‘13 show. Irie looked great in the early parts of the match. Urano went after him with all his strength and Iire brushed him off with ease. HARASHIMA looked very dominant as well. He basically bullied Ishii in the corner with his stomps. So they did a great job at making the main two wrestlers look important. Ishii and KUDO had some great exchanges like when Ishii countered a KUDO kick with a german and a spinning heel kick that landed right on the button. KUDO and Urano strung together some pretty awesome sequences as a duo as well. The match ended on a high note as well. ****

Danshoku Dino vs. Kota Ibushi
Dino is a very unique wrestler. Well, the match’s first move is a Dino kiss. So you know exactly what you’re going to get with this match straight away. This is basically an extended Dino match with tons of kissing, humping and great comedy. Ibushi is one of these wrestlers that wrestles in a serious way with his fantastic high flying ability but is more than willing to indulge in the wackiness. There was a great example of this in the mid-point of the where the two had a full out kiss battle which was met with Ibushi finally dropping down and selling the heck out of it. Ibushi hit some nasty elbows and Dino sold them very well towards the end. ***3/4

DDT Ryogoku Peter Pan 2013 18/08/2013

KO-D Tag Team Title Match: Hikaru Sato & Yukio Sakaguchi (c) vs. Yankee Two Kenju (Isami Kodaka & Yuko Miyamoto) 
This was a pretty fun match with tons of good tag work. Sato and Sakaguchi played off their backgrounds to match the wackiness of Yankee Two Kenju well. Sato and Miyamoto had some great chemistry which I never expected. ***1/2

KO-D Openweight Title Match: Shigehiro Irie (c) vs. HARASHIMA
I can’t help but love Irie’s entrance. Him crying just at the moment makes you automatically on his side. He was fantastic during the match as well as was HARASHIMA. I loved how everything built throughout with there being tons of great escalation in offence both guys. Really loved the early sections of the match. HARASHIMA trying to beatdown Irie with his strikes only for Irie to lay into him with a lariat or squish with his body by sitting down on HARASHIMA’s chest. There was a great sense of struggle in the match where momentum constantly shifted back and forth. Irie adopted some tremendous counter wrestling to match HARASHIMA’s direct assaults. Irie hit a sick powerbomb off the top rope followed by an over the shoulder driver. His elbows looked raw as hell, too. HARASHIMA was out right ruthless in the final stretch, hitting strike after strike before hitting a springboard elbow/type finish for the win. A great climax to a great match. ****1/2
