Recent Beyond

Eddie Kingston vs. Timothy Thatcher - Beyond Uncharted Territory #2.02 
This was pretty great. A great clash of styles with Kingston's King's Road influence style compared to Thatcher's grind you down on the mat with force and technique. The struggle was shown in their work, who'd win out. Thatcher working on the limbs, at one point throwing some nasty knees to the body. Kingston throwing great strikes but doing some great defensive work being very stubborn in not giving up. It was a war of attrition - could Kingston hold out or with Thatcher make Kingston submit to his offence ****1/4

David Starr vs. Mercedes Martinez - Beyond Uncharted Territory #2.03
Excellent match. Intergender matches are usually pretty good but this was one of the better ones in recent years, if ever. I loved the mat wrestling in the match, early in the match especially. Starr using his weight and size for leverage, even though Mercedes has the better technique. Loved Starr using the wrist to control Mercedes, either to setup something or get out of a hold. It was great use of a simple hold. Mercedes was great on the back foot, selling for Starr really well and using what she can to get some offence against Starr. All the strikes she took and still being able to carry on was impressive. The match built really well for the most part, even if the match went longer than it's peak. It was one of those matches that kept your attention right the way through. A really great simplistic match that everyone should go out to see. ****1/2
