NJPW Memorial Battle In Yokohama 1991 23/09/1991
Different Style Fight: Shinya Hashimoto vs. Tony Halme
A rematch to their really good match earlier in the year. This was good. Halme looked really big. He had a gut and everything but I’m not one to judge. Halme offered a great obstacle for Hashimoto to overcome. He dominated the match, threw wild haymakers and was a general beast. Hashimoto was great at selling every shot. Loved his hope spots where he’d stun Halme and go to sweep the leg. He was so, so good. One key moment in the match stood out where Hashimoto was knocked to the floor and the bell rang (to signify the end of the round) but the crowd thought the ref ended the whole match. They didn’t sound happy. That was pretty funny. Good match. ***1/2
Great Muta vs. Tatsumi Fujinami
I think this was a bit disappointing, if I’m honest. It’s surface level good - Fujiami’s selling is good, there is blood drawn from a nice brawl at the start of the match and Muto’s heel work is decent - however it didn’t engage me past those elements. Muto on top didn't draw the crowd heat or my interest like it was supposed to do. It hurt the match a lot. The finish is fine as well. It just needed to be more engaging. ***
NJPW 1991 Awards
MOTY: Keiji Muto vs. Masahiro Chono - NJPW Violent Storm in Kokugikan - Day 3 11/08/1991
The first G1 Finals. A legendary match between two legendary wrestlers. Maybe the peak of both guy’s in-ring careers, although they still have a big body of work after. Undoubtedly my MOTY.
Wrestler Of The Year: Keiji Muto
A nice little sneak for the spot by Muto. I was thinking about giving the prize to Tatsumi Fujinami but with two legendary matches in Chono and Vader back to back, he was hard to ignore. Excellent wrestler in both tags and singles. He showcased two of his character’s well enough as well.
Feud Of The Year: Norio Honaga vs. Jushin Thunder Liger
The best booking with Honaga beating the unstoppable Liger, giving Liger another edge to overcome, giving Honaga some credibility and a title reign. Great matches as well.
Tag Team Of The Year: Hiroshi Hase & Kensuke Sasaki
A great pairing. The wise Hase and Spunky Bulldog Kensuke Sasaki. Good matches with The Steiners. Able to how the best chemistry and connection with each other. A default pick for tag teams but not a bad one either.
Most Disappointing Match Of The Year: Great Muto vs. Tatsumi Fujinami - NJPW Memorial Battle In Yokohama 23/09/1991
Two of the best wrestlers of the year going against each other. It should’ve been fantastic but it just wasn’t. Disappointing.
Top Five Matches:
G1 Climax 1991 Final Match: Keiji Muto vs. Masahiro Chono - NJPW Violent Storm in Kokugikan - Day 3 11/08/1991 (****3/4)
G1 Climax 1991 Block A Match: Big Van Vader vs. Keiji Muto - NJPW Violent Storm in Kokugikan -Day 2 10/08/1991 (****1/2)
IWGP Heavyweight Title Match: Tatsumi Fujinami (c) vs. Masahiro Chono - NJPW Super Heavy Crash 1991 - Day 6 - The Legend Of Dragon Tatsumi Fujinami 20th Anniversary 31/05/1991 (****1/4)
G1 Climax 1991 Block B Match: Riki Choshu vs. Shinya Hashimoto - NJPW Violent Storm in Kokugikan -Day 2 10/08/1991 (***1/4)
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Top Of The Super Junior II Tournament Final Match (vacant): Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Norio Honaga - NJPW Explosion Tour 1991 Day 12 30/04/1991 (****)
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