Excite Series 1992
Can-Am Express - (Doug Furnas & Philip LaFon) vs Super Generation Army (Toshiaki Kawada & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi) - AJPW Excite Series 1992 - Day 1 22/02/1992
I love the Can-Am Express in this. The urgency, the lack of waste in motion. They are super focused on inflicting punishment on Kikuchi in particular. LaFon throwing Kikuchi from the ring to the floor on the outside, taking a nice knock off the apron in the process was awesome, as was him ragdolling Kikuchi in the arm trapped sleeper. Kikuchi was perfect in the FIP role as well. He was a pinball, selling very well for the Can-Am Express. Kawada was the hot tag was extremely effective as well. ****
Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Kenta Kobashi - AJPW Excite Series 1992 - Day 6 27/02/1992
Kobashi attempts the same tactic that Kawasa used to keep Jumbo at bay with headlocks. He then did some good methodical work before Jumbo began unleashed his massive bombs at a defence. This then becomes a great bombfest. ****
Champion Carnival 1992
Champion Carnival 1992 Block B Match: Kenta Kobashi vs. Toshiaki Kawada - AJPW Champion Carnival 1992 - Day 1 20/03/1992
A very aggressive match with Kawada brutalising Kobashi with his stiff kicks to the face and legs. Kobasi trying to end it early as the underdog. The match got unintresting, and I totally switched off when they locked on the holds but the finish was good. ***1/2
Champion Carnival 1992 Block A Match: Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Mitsuharu Misawa - AJPW Champion Carnival 1992 - Day 12 02/04/1992
The final Misawa vs Jumbo singles before Jumbo’s illness caused him to heavily fall down the pecking order. A typically hot Misawa vs Jumbo start with tons of stalemate spots, Jumbo having to use a sleeper to wear down Misawa and control him. Jumbo worked on the back of Misawa mostly, willing to sit in holds and pad out the match but Misawa sold the back really well. And Jumbo’s cutoffs to Misawa’s comeback attempts was great. The middle was a bit dull however. It was just basic and not very compelling to watch. When they kicked it up a gear for the finish with Misawa wrenching on the facelocks and the crowd bit for it, the match got good again. ***1/2
Champion Carnival 1992 Final Match: Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Stan Hansen - AJPW Champion Carnival 1992 - Day 22 17/04/1992
A solid match in truth but you can’t help but expect more than “solid”. And this is between two guys with a rep of not much chemistry. You still have that expectation, that’s saying a lot. But yet, time after time it’s very lukewarm. Misawa works on the arm. He threw some great kicks when hansen was ready to pounce with the lariat but that’s about as interesting as it got. Hansen sold well. The match didn’t have the sense of occasion to it though. A very much house show match but it’s the champion carnival final so it’s disappointing. **3/4
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