They play homage to their prior characters, Cody mocking the Goldust while Dustin is on the floor and Dustin mocking Stardust during his 10 punch count. Usually I' not a fan of these type of stuff - making reference to other companies but in this case, i think it was well done. It bookended that part of their careers in a significant way. They work a nice, brisk pace at first, keeping very competitive until Dustin gained the advantage, leading to Brandi getting involved. At first, I was like ugh but it got rid of here and they didn't swell on it at all. I'm still not entirely sure where Dustin got cut but he got cut had. Just to let you know, half of his face is covered in paint and with the blood, you couldn't see his skin because of the blood. It was gnarly was fuck and Cody wiping it on himself was such good shit. I fucking loved that. I love gruesome shit like that. There was some shitty stuff in the match though. The set up for the belt to ass spanking looked so bad - like Cole falling back into a chair that's like a 90 degree angle away from him bad. Dustin hit a cool as code red right after though, so what can you do? Dustin's selling in the stretch of the match was class though. He was slugglish in his movements, sold everything well (Cody did as well to his credit) and paced his moves well. I didn't go nuts for the crossroads kick outs though nor the strike/strike/double move/pop spot. They didn't need that stuff. And the finish is awkward as fuck. Cody hits a gringo killer and then a crossroads and that's that. I don't need a crescendo but it coming off a double hit/cheer for us spot, it doesn't work.
The match I think holds up as something that's great. There is a ton to like about this match. The blood is cool. The selling is good apart from the hints of the indie bad spots but even then, they probably did the best variation of it. They played into each others history well and incorporating it into the match and had some nice escalation. ****1/2
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