FREEDOMS (10/02/2020) & BJW (11/02/2020)

FREEDOMS Go Beyond The Limit 2020 10/02/2020

King Of FREEDOM Tag Team Title Match: Violento Jack & Mammoth Sasaki (c) vs. Matthew Justice & Chris Dickinson
This was a pretty good tag match. Dickinson in Japan is a thing that should happen more. Him trading slaps with Violento Jack is a match made in heaven. Matthew Justice was okay in the match. Perfectly fine, he just didn’t stand out. Mammoth Sasaki was good as well. Good tag match. ***1/4

King Of FREEDOM World Title Match: Toru Sugiura (c) vs Yuko Miyamoto
This was great. Been itching to watch this and it didn’t disappoint. They made great use out of the tower of light tubes as well with Sugiura hitting a visually stunning cannonball with glass flying everywhere on impact.  Miyamoto hit some of his great high flying offence, like his moonsault knee drops. Sugiura replied with some great strikes - him hitting elbows through a prone Miyamoto with light tubes in-front was a great spot. The finishing stretch had you excessive kick out at one falls but I loved it. All worked as one great match. Great deathmatch fun with big match nearfalls. ****

BJW 11/02/2020

BJW Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Yuya Aoki (c) vs. Fuminori Abe
Fuminori Abe is a big favourite of mine. He’s always consistent in what he does. Whether that’s mat wrestling, strikes or light comedy. He does it well. Yuya Aoki isn’t a favourite, but he has his moments depending on his opponent. And Abe is definitely someone that can bring the best out of Aoki. There was some good offence early on that was built around Abe attacking the leg of Aoki, Abe had a wicked dragon screw in the ropes, he threw hard kicks and had some crafty submissions. Aoki seemingly started to brush it off but there were times where it slowed down his movements, preventing him from following up effectively whenever he countered an Abe move. The striking was good and impactful, but I think the best moments were when Abe would counter a strike and go back to the leg, like his dragon screw counter to a kick from Aoki. There was a great flurry of offence with Aoki hitting brutal palm strikes which got countered with a dropkick and then the baseball punch. The finishing stretch was good with another bunch of quick strikes only Aoki catching Abe out with his palm strikes and big powerbomb. I think they could’ve gone with Abe working on the leg a bit more but I think it was a nice sub-story  to put it and it lead nicely into the strikes which are both guys strengths. Good showing for the Big Japan Juniors Heavyweight division. ***1/2

BJW Tag Team Title Match: Daisuke Sekimoto & Kohei Sato (c) vs. Yankee Two Kenju (Isami Kodaka & Yuko Miyamoto)
It’s always good seeing Yankee Two Kenju in non-deathmatches. I love their DM stuff, don’t worry, but they can work a traditional style really well. And against two of the best wrestlers in Japan in Sato and Sekimoto, there is lots to love, potentially. And as predicted, Sato and Sekimoto pummeled their lighter opponents. Kodaka had his back completely destroyed with big slams and strikes. Sato’s elbows must suck at the neck, but at the fragile spine, it must be even worse to take. Miyamoto looked great as the hot tag guy though. He even hit a pretty stiff lariat that took Sekimoto clean off his feet. His technical and aerial offence looked great as equaliesers against the raw power of Sekimoto and Sato. There was some great double team offence from Yankee Two Kenju as well - great chemistry from all four actually. The big final third of the match with Yankee Two Kenju gaining control and doing everything they can to win with Sekimoto just holding on, having to kick out of big moves and power out of critical submissions was great. A great tag team main event. Loving this Sekimoto and Sato team, and having great opponents such as Kodaka and Miyamoto doesn’t hurt one bit. ****
