Hayabusa Duo Matches (Tenryu & W/ Shinzaki vs Honda/Izumida)

Genichiro Tenryu vs Hayabusa - WAR 8 Years Later 13/07/2000
I think this is one of the few times that I've seeked out a Hayabusa match to see what the crack is. I've watched him being in certain matches like the Onita one, the ECW tag, the All Japan tags he has with Shinzaki but this I seeked out specifically for him, my focus was on him. And he was alright, I came out prefering Tenryu which is fine. Hayabuysa bumped well for Tenryu and was a nice underdog who kept kicking out of moves. Tenryu was great. I loved the he'd wallop Hayabusa with a lariat. That tope was super fun to see as well. Hayabusa had some hope spots and that was really it. The one thing that stood out of his was the pele kicks. Both messy and precise. More of that. ***1/2

All Asia Tag Team Title Match: Hayabusa & Jinsei Shinzaki vs Tamon Honda & Jun Izumida (c) - AJPW-New Year's Giant Series 16/01/1999 
I really liked this until it hits that last big closing stretch as it drags on a little too long. The selling and big spots were all good - no complaints there - it just felt overan to me. The match in the build upto that is surpsingly great with tons of emphasis on selling from Shinzaki who got cut by a Izumida headbutt. Loved how the champs' offence was mostly headbutts, targetting the cut. And it wasn't no-selling headbutts either, Shinzaki was out on his feet and struggling to stand at times. He was really good as the sympathetic FIP. Hayabusa hit his amazing looking highspots. That dive in the crowd to Izumida was both graceful and looked painful and the Firebird splash was predictably gorgeous looking. ***3/4
