G1 Climax 1992 & Choshu vs Muta Title Match

G1 Climax 1992 Second Round Match: Shinya Hashimoto vs. Rick Rude (w/Medusa) - NJPW G1 Climax 1992  Day 3 10/08/1992
This was one of the first Hashimoto matches that I’ve ever watched and it’s one of my low key favourite matches of his. Obviously, it’s not one of his best but I do think that it’s fairly underrated. Rude adapts really well to the Japan crowds, still able to get big boos doing his hip swivelling and promo before the match. Hashimoto went to town on the lower back of Rude which he sold really well. A fun clash of styles. ***3/4

G1 Climax 1992 Second Round Match: Keiji Muto vs. Steve Austin - NJPW G1 Climax 1992  Day 3 10/08/1992
The low crowd volume for a Muto match was noticeable. Maybe one of the flaws of having a gaijin wrestler that the fans weren’t used to seeing and likely have little knowledge of. But to Austin and Muto’s credit, the crowd grew as the match did. Austin was really solid in this, working over Muto well and sold really well for everything he did. He bumped big for the back body drop. Muto did some cool things like the handspring back elbow attempt into the guardrail which transitioned into Austin being in control and working the lower back a bit. I thought the match built real nicely to the nearfalls with a big one coming after Muto misses an elbow. I’m not sure if Muto slipping off the ropes when trying to hit the moonsault was planned or not but I thought it worked into teasing the crowd a little more before Muto finally put him away. ***1/2

Koji Kanemoto & Osamu Nishimura vs Hiroyoshi Yamamoto & Satoshi Kojima - NJPW G1 Climax 1992  Day 4 11/08/1992
My three favourite wrestlers from this generation!! And Tenzan. Boo. Still. It’s fun to see TenKoji tag in their young days. I don’t think I’ve seen much of early Nishimura so seeing him in red attire is a shocking sight. This is worked in a fairly scrappy junior heavyweight style of match with everyone eagard to impress. There was a cool double team sequence by Kanemoto and Nishimura in the corner where Kanemoto threw a variety of kicks which Nishimuaru followed up with a big drop kick. The little fights between Kanemoto and Kojima ruled and the crowd was just dying to see them wrestle each other. Loved the pop for the finish. Big moment for Kanemoto and Nishimura. And I believe there was a little smile on the face of Bill Watts. The hits just keep coming. ***1/2

Heisei Ishingun (Kengo Kimura & Shiro Koshinaka) vs Osamu Kido & Shinya Hashimoto - NJPW G1 Climax 1992  Day 4 11/08/1992
This was total fire and hate. Kido going right for Kimura. Hashimoto fights with Koshinka and the other Ishingun Goons. Fun match. ***

G1 Climax 1992 Semi Final Match: Kensuke Sasaki vs. Rick Rude (w/Medusa) - NJPW G1 Climax 1992  Day 4 11/08/1992
“Kensuke! Chants!!! Yeah!!! Rude posing to boos was awesome. People tend not to like Rude in Japan but the fans seem to get his schtick. Sasaki’s style mixes with Rude’s really well. Sasaki bearhugs in and then continues to work the back with Rude scrambling around and selling it. The match went on a little too long but I thought this was good anyway. ***1/2

G1 Climax 1992 Semi Final Match: Keiji Muto vs. Masahiro Chono - NJPW G1 Climax 1992  Day 4 11/08/1992
This is a fairly classical match as far as these two go. Both are willing to put in time and effort into their holds, soaking each other in and battling for victory. Muto is known for sitting in holds but with Chono, there is a big sense of struggle. Chono is the same. It was very little in the grand sense of the match but Chono setting up the abdominal stretch out of a headlock, using his knee is a great example of the goodness he can bring to a match. The match revved up as the match progressed with the match turning into The set up for the STF from Mutoh missing the moonsault was fantastic. I loved the way he utilizes it and he does it perfectly. I liked the Yakuza Kick - Block spots as well, although they did it more than really needed.  Blocking should be more of a thing in wrestling. ****1/4

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Pegasus Kid - NJPW G1 Climax 1992 - Day 5 12/08/1992
The most famous part of this match is arguably Dave telling the story of Bill Watts choosing to leave ringside (for the toilet presumably) when Dave wanted him to see these guys and realise the future of wrestling. I wonder if Bill Watts would’ve liked this or not. Both are technically prolific enough to probably gain his interest, Liger especially with his amateur background, but who knows. This was your typical Junior Heavyweight style with a tons of suplexes, slams and submissions being done at a quick pace. Benoit (I did this subconsciously but I just think it’s easier to call him that) worked over Liger initially hitting some great offences, including his snap suplex while Liger sold and worked his hope spots in. Liger hits a lovely tope con giro which serves as the big tide turner of the match. Loved the counter wrestling spots as well. Benoit baseball sliding under Liger and nailing him ruled. And the big powerbomb off the top was a great finish. Very good match. ***3/4

Keiji Muto & Kensuke Sasaki vs. The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) - NJPW G1 Climax 1992 - Day 5 12/08/1992
This was really fun. Tons of cool spots and counters. Muto and Rick Steiner had an awesome exchange where Rick Steiner blocked a Muto handspring elbow and attempted a german, which was blocked via a back elbow and Muto shot to the ropes and hit a spinning crossbody which was then reversed into a slam from a kneeling Steiner. Muto and Sasaki doing the Steiner Dog pose was awesome. Hell of a match. ***3/4

NWA World Heavyweight Title G1 Climax 1992 Final Match (vacant): Rick Rude (w/Medusa) vs. Masahiro Chono - NJPW G1 Climax 1992 - Day 5 12/08/1992
This had such an epic, big match feel. The whole tournament had built up to this match. Rick Rude has been killing the New Japan favourites, including Shinya Hashimoto himself, with the knee drop off the top rope. He’s firmly been established as a threat, his gimmick is over like a rover and gets instant heat. Chono has battled his way through both gaijin wrestlers and NJ Wrestlers like old rivals like Muto. Rude is at his peak. Chono is at his peak. The NWA Heavyweight title is on the line in front of a molent hot Ryogoku crowd. A ton of the New Japan roster is out at ringside in support of Chono. It just makes me so excited. 

Chono, if he didn’t have me on his side before, he certainly did after he did the hip swivelling taunt to Rude. I must admit that I loved the early mat work with Rude doing the British style headstand counter, Rude pulling the hair for the cross bow & arrow attempt was great subtle heel work and it transitioned really well into the main component of the body of the match - Chono working on the knee of Rude. Taking out the key move for Rude plus setting up the STF in the process. Such smart wrestling. Rude’s selling was particularly excellent. The slow climb for the knee drop, allowing Chono to recover and slam Rude was such a good spot. This has all the classic Rude spots and with all the drama added on top, it all came across so perfect. The last ten minutes with Chono kicking out of the knee drop to a big pop and then mounting his comeback was all epic. The funny thing was that I was expecting the STF so the actual finish genuinely stunned me. Your mileage may vary on a few iffy spots where they were figuring out a few things and a certain pace but I was really hooked into the match. ****3/4

IWGP Heavyweight Title / Greatest 18 Club Title Match: Great Muta vs Riki Choshu (c) - NJPW G1 Climax Special 1992 - Day 2 16/08/1992
After Muta last challenged under his plain Muto persona and failed, perhaps his alter ego can get the job done with it. Muta stalling, doing typical Muta antics before Choshu, who was having none of his bullshit, hitting a running lariat was awesome. However, this rest of the match was typically uninspiring Muta routines. So pedestrian even with Choshu getting busted open and the big title win for Muta. The finish wasn’t built too well, either. **
