Toryumon Japan IIIer Aniversario 2001 (01/07/2001)

UWA World Trios Title Match: Crazy MAX (Big Fuji, CIMA & SUWA) (c) vs. Gran Hamada, The Great Sasuke & Tiger Mask
It's great seeing the two main infleunces of Lucharesu in Gran Hamada and Sasuke being in Toryumon Japan. And against one some of the most famous and best to wrestle that style. The match was pretty quick with lucha tag rules being in effect with people coming in and out. The match started out of the Sasaku/Hamada and TM 4 getting the upper hand against Crazy Max with impressive flowing tag wrestling. Hamada, I must say, looked really sound. Tiger Mask threw some kicks that wiffed a bit but he was fine. Crazy Max slowly worked their way into the match with aggression offence to match their systematic stagtagy. There was some great dives from the outsiders, Sasauke hit a lovely sommersault. He and CIMA had some great bits later in the match with Sasuke nailing CIMA with a spinning heel kick and a powerbomb for seemingly the three count but Taru interfered and stopped the ref. Dick Togo showed up and took out his old rival, Sasuke with a DDT and a senton. CIMA then took adavantage with a frog splash and won. A really good match with some great tag wrestling from both teams. Crazy Max was on the defensive which is different from what I usually see but they played their roles really well. ***3/4 

MPW British Commonwealth Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Masaaki Mochizuki (c) vs. Magnum TOKYO
Really basic match of Magnum Tokyo having to overcome the dominant Mochizuki and the rest of M2K. Mochizuki pummels Magnum Tokyo, he cheats, he kicks, he does everything he could. But Magnum just doesn’t stay down. He kicks out of everything and given this is Toryumon’s biggest stage, it’s appropriate. The pop for his eventual win after a shooting star press is huge too. ***1/2

Takashi Okamura casually coming into the ring and kicking Mochi in the head, KO-ing him after  show was pretty hilarious, I can't lie.
