GHC Heavyweight Title Match: Kenta Kobashi VS Akitoshi Saito - NOAH Navigation Against The Current 2004 - Day 10 24/10/2004
This took a while to really get into third gear although Saito’s work on the arm and how he used his kicks was very solid. Kobashi sold the kicks and holds well in the moment. Kobashi took so much damage like that painful back bump on the corner of the apron in order to get Saito over to the level where the crowd bought the win. I’d say it was successful. The finishing stretch with Kobashi mounting the comeback, but with Saito still that one step ahead until the burning lariat was all great and exciting. ***3/4
GHC Heavyweight Title Match: Kenta Kobashi VS The Gladiator - NOAH Navigation, Uprising Spirit 2004 - Day 12 04/12/2004
This was not good for far too long. The finishing stretch was kind of exciting with the big powerbombs and nearfalls but there was far too much mediocrity to outweigh the good aspects of this match. There wasn’t much build to any of the big spots of which, while impressive in a vacuum, didn’t work within the confines of the match. The crowd was dead for the most part as well, maybe it was because Yokohama doesn’t know how to spell L-O-U-D but the tepid Kobashi chants were a sign of things to come. Because this was tepid. **
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