The show opens with a cool very 80s video package about the Rock N Roll Express. It’s mostly a mixture of matches and the RnR Express posing in cars. It’s hilarious. Is this what Rock and Roll was in the 80s?
Rip Oliver vs. Iceman Parsons
Iceman Parsons… He’s a Mid-South wrestler if I’ve ever seen him. For those who don’t know, he’s black but he’s very dancey and hip looking (Are dreadlock hip). Rip Oliver looks like your random midcard wrestler with a blonde hair cut. The match is worked rather simply. Parsons shines with a few arm drags before Oliver grabs an arm-wringer. Parsons then makes a quick comeback and wins with a clothesline of the second rope. Simple quick match. **
Shawn Michaels & Tim Horner vs. Alamo Busters (Chavo Guerrero & Hector Guerrero)
I’m not sure if the Alamo Busters is their official name but that’s what the Network titled them as. The Guerrero Brothers wear Sombrero attire but they show a ton of charisma in their promo about wanting to get the Mid-South tag team titles from the Rock N Roll Express. Hector in particular whereas Chavo is less outwardly charismatic and more traditionally fired up, if that makes sense. I’d be a fool if I was to ignore a young Shawn Michaels. A Pre-Midnight Rockers Shawn Michaels too. Shawn & Marty would team together until 86 where both go to Minnesota to wrestle for the AWA. The Guerreros work much smoothly as a duo, making quick tags in and out. Chavo has a slick jumping headscissors takeover and Hector has a cool armdrag. Michaels and Horner are basically fodder getting one or two moves in before falling to a full nelson/somersault combo. **1/4
Mid-South Television Title Match: Buddy Landel (c) vs. Terry Taylor
This is a pretty rad match. Taylor is pretty natural as a face and Landel accommodates him well. Landel works Taylor over with an arm-wringer and a few cheap tactics like throwing him into the ropes and attacking Taylor with chokes. It creates a good contrast to Taylor’s exciting, fiery offence which consists of punches and quick slams. There was a cool neat fall where Taylor almost runs into the ref, causing him to dive to safety but it allows Skandor Akbar on the outside to trip Taylor up and it gets a close two count. But then they transition into the finish which is the same but the roles reversed with Iceman Parson doing the tripping to Landel. And we have a new Mid-South Television title match. **3/4
Steve Williams & Ted DiBiase vs. Jim Duggan & Terry Daniels
After currently being in the midst of watching mid-All Japan, it’s insane seeing a young Dr Death. The match it a small match that helps build up the on-going feud previous Rat Pack stablemates, Duggan and Dibiase. Dibiase acts all confident and smug with Terry Daniels but runs for the hills with a wild Jim Duggan. Williams keeps ahead with Duggan but the heel teams biggest bright sparks of the match is them double teaming Daniels. Terry Daniels doesn’t do much offensively but he sells the struggle to get the tag and the beatdown really well. Duggan’s double punch spot to Dibiase and Williams looked good but caused their downfall as the ref tried to get him out, freeing Dibiase up to use to black glove to knock out Daniels for the win. Awesome tag match. ***
Mid-South North American Title Match: Brad Armstrong (c) vs. Hercules Hernandez
I love Hercules doing the Skandor Akbar gimmick. Brad Armstrong is the champion, after beating Ernie Ladd last month. And he mostly works as a fiery underdog which I guess is the intention. Hercules dominates the match with powermoves while Armstrong sells. Armstrong gets a few hope spots in with a few flash pins but Hercules quickly gets control back. Heruless almost gets the win with the cobra clutch but Armstrong uses Akbar to escape but hits the ref in the process. Hercules regains control and looks to end things with a splash off the top rope but Iceman Parsons comes out again and pushes Hercules off the top rope. Akbar comes into the ring and attacks his own man by accident. The ref calls the bell and awards Armstrong the win via dq which is head scratching. Not a great match but it was alright. Hercules Hernandez looked like a threat. Armstrong’s time as champion is coming to a close nonetheless. **1/2
Kamala vs. Dave Diamond
Kamala destroys Dave Diamond with a few slaps to the throat and a big splash. That’s all this was. Neat.
Jake Roberts vs. Rocky King
Jack Roberts is wearing some funky red long jeans. Like the prior match, this is a total squash. Roberts beats up Rocky King with kicks and slams before hitting the DDT. Strong squash.
And that concludes this week’s episode of Mid-South Wrestling. I thought this was a very entertaining 40 minutes of wrestling. Strong squash matches with a few quality matches in the middle of the show. Knowing Bill Watts, I’m sure he sees Iceman Parsons as the next Junkyard Dog but I’m not seeing it at all. So his constant presence isn’t welcome. Jim Duggan is my MVP for the week. He came across as a total badass.
Next week, we’ll have Terry Taylor defending the newly won TV title against Hercules Hernandez, more Iceman Parsons showcases and a Mid-South North American Title Match
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