DDT Ganbare Pro Killer Queen 2020 & DDT Ganbare Pro Heaven's Door 2020 (Indie Jr Title Matches)

DDT Ganbare Pro Killer Queen 2020 26/07/2020

Independent World Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Keisuke Ishii (c) vs. Hagane Shinnou
A good title match. Sadly Ishii loses the title after having such a good reign with it but Shinnou showed enough to warrant the victory. ***1/4

DDT Ganbare Pro Heaven's Door 2020 22/08/2020

Ikuto Hidaka & Minoru Fujita vs. Keisuke Ishii & Kouki Iwasaki
This was awesome. Fujita probably doesn’t fit in well with the Junior aesthetic as much as he did in 1999 but for just being a good base and partner for Hidaka, he did just fine in that role. Hidaka was awesome in this match though. There are a lot of people that don’t wrestle their age but he moves like he’s 19. Holy shit. He’s very fluid. Particularly when matched up against Keisuke Ishii. Not only was it slick but each move felt impactful and precise. Iwasaki looked strong throughout the match too. He and Hidaka’s brawl after the match rocked as well. A Monday Night Raw-esc pull apart brawl. ***1/2

Independent World Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Hagane Shinnou (c) vs. ASUKA
I quietly said “Holy Shit” to myself several times throughout this match. Some of the transitions and fluid combo strikes were absolutely stunning. ASUKA was amazing in her work. Everything was so on-point from the aforementioned strikes, to her submissions. Shinnaou was a little rougher but I dug his scrappy punches to the body and his aerial moves looked tough to take. The short finishing stretch was a great amalgamation of consistently hitting big move after big move until the champion went down. Great match. This blew me away. ***3/4
