GCW Josh Barnett's Bloodsport 3

Simon Grimm vs. Matt Makowski
This was a really good opening match. Grimm proved on previous Bloodsport shows that he can go on the mat and Makowski has MMA training so we know that he can too. Makowski is so good at creating new ways to transition into submissions like his backflip into the rare-naked choke. That was just awesome. The finish was a little iffy with Makowski landing hard on a half and half suplex, causing the referee to call the match. ***1/2

Women's Tournament Semi Final Match: Allysin Kay vs. Killer Kelly
Pretty decent match. A bit uneven at times in quality. There was a ton of someone stopping and waiting to figure out the next move. Some of the submissions were great. Loved Kay’s headtrap/double wrist lock at the end. She wrenched on it in a very uncomfortable way. The strikes were a bit scrappy and unrefined but still worked. ***

Women's Tournament Semi Final Match: Lindsay Snow vs. Leyla Hirsch
This was all kinds of awesome. Right away, you could see the levels of grappling on show. Hirsch’s amterue wrestling background vs Snow’s Jujutsu training was a great dynamic and it made for a very exciting match that had me aweing at every exchange. Hirsch threw some violent bombs in with the grappling as well. She just (JUST) missed Snow with a big closed fist. Snow won with a kneebar but big ups to Hirsch. She was amazing as was snow. ***1/2

Alexander James vs. Calvin Tankman
This was an unremarkable match at times but I did love Tankman smothering James with his sheer size and mass. James could barely get out from under Tankman to get any offence in. It was a big mis-match but it went far too long for that story. The slug fest at the end that led into the finishing KO wasn’t great either. **3/4 

Erik Hammer vs. Kal Jak
I was not a fan. Hammer was obviously skilled and he did some neat things like his snug headlocks and armbars. Plus I love a good forearm shot across the face. Kal Jak’s blows though and there was too much dead-air to enjoy this much. **1/4

Homicide vs. Tom Lawlor
A do love these more “traditional style” matches that are mixed in with the clear shoot influenced matches such as the one prior. Homicide stomping on Lawlor’s head was gnarly and he did more mat-based offence that you’d see in the 00s indies. Lawlor clearly outmatched him but Homicide was persistent though and that was very compelling to watch. ***1/4

Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Josh Alexander
A relatively short match compared to the ring. DBS Jr is a clear notch above Josh Alexander so it’s good that it didn’t go on too long. DBS Jr was pretty calm on the mat and had some cool tricks like appling a toe-hold while Alexander’s leg was bent backwards, adding more pressure. He rocked Alexander with some brutal elbows too. Easy nights work for him. **1/2

Women's Tournament Final Match: Lindsay Snow vs. Allysin Kay 
Another short match. Snow winning was the right choice though. **

Jon Moxley vs. Chris Dickinson
A disappointment for me. It was a good effort by both in the match. Moxley tried his best to adapt to the style of the show and his opponent, he sold big for Dickinson and brought some star presence. But he just wasn’t good at mat-wrestling aspects of the match. It was lacking in quality and quite boring to watch as a result. Dickinson wasn’t exactly dragged down either. Neither seemed to get a good sense of flow or be able to translate their charisma to the match until it basically became a normal match with chops and lariats - which I thought were the strongest parts of the match. Like I said, it was a good effort but it was a miss of a main event for me. **3/4

Maybe the weakest Bloodsport yet but there was still some quality matches. Mostly from the regulars such as Simon Grimm and Matt Makowski
