AJPW World Tag Team Title Match: Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs. Johnny Ace & Steve Williams - AJPW Excite Series 1995 - Day 12 04/03/1995
I really wasn’t sold on the first 10-15 minutes of the match. The crowd went nuts for Misawa and Williams causing such a big ruckus that Kobashi and Ace had to separate the two but I didn’t really like it although the idea was nice. Williams tried to add some intensity with some facial expression but I thought it looked a bit silly and contrived for the moment. It all was much more natural as the match progressed and it showed in their work. The crowd, aside from the aforementioned pull apart fight, were silent just as I was. And as soon as the match picked up, they, too, perked up in volume. Johnny Ace I thought was the best part of the match. Well, the most consistent out of the four. He brought a lot of intensity and great timing. I loved him mocking Kobashi with the moonsault, hitting his version before Kobashi could hit it. His selling was super good as well and helped with some of the great nearfalls at the end. Williams served well as someone who came in and broke up tags while taking it to Misawa when they got matched up. Not enough to be a MOTYC due to the weak build the match had but it topped off well enough. ***1/2
Triple Crown Title Match: Toshiaki Kawada (c) vs. Stan Hansen - AJPW Excite Series 1995 - Day 12 04/03/1995
This is a bit disappointing. Kawada’s title reign ends on a whimper in a long yet forgettable match that serves to put the title back on Misawa in the long run. I get it as Misawa is the ace and Kawada is the #2 (soon to be #3) but Kawada should’ve gotten a win out of this match and lost it after the Carnival and then returned it to Misawa. The match is slow but it lacks the usual intensity that these two go for. The finish was just as flat with Hansen taking ages to make the cover and actually winning still. This should’ve been more, but with less at the same time. **
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