Kenta Kobashi vs. Johnny Ace - AJPW Super Power Series 1995 - Day 5 26/05/1995
A good match but I didn’t need 30 minutes of this. I’m not sure why Baba felt the need to have Ace go 30 with Kobashi either. Perhaps he was planning something for the future and it just didn’t pan out (maybe Ace was going to be the top foreigner as Dr Death was being de-pushed slightly). This was good though. They built up a steady paced and had a solidly good closing stretch. ***
Triple Crown Title Match: Stan Hansen (c) vs. Mitsuharu Misawa - AJPW Super Power Series 1995 - Day 5 26/05/1995
This actually wasn’t terrible. After a few teething problems, this kicked on to be a pretty fun and intense match. The finish was a little eye raising. It’s not the first time they’ve gone for the crucifix finish and it’s not the first time that they messed it up either. Did these two ever talk it out to say “no, let’s do something else”?? Hansen going ballistic at losing the title was a riot though. ***
AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Danny Kroffat (c) vs. Rob Van Dam - AJPW Super Power Series 1995 - Day 15 09/06/1995
RVD before he gained a knack for being RVD! Danny Kroffat puts him through the ringer with his snug submissions, stiff strikes and general ringsmanship. RVD has to wait for his spots with Kroffat always cutting him off. RVD’s spots were pretty cool and they were made better by them being limited and not coming every 30 seconds. The crowd was behind him and against Kroffat. Compelling match. ***3/4
AJPW World Tag Team Title Match: Super Generation Army (Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa) (c) vs. Holy Demon Army (Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada) - AJPW Super Power Series 1995 - Day 15 09/06/1995
This might just be one of the best tag matches of all time. Everything and I mean everything clicks perfectly together in this match. The story, the drama, the selling, the smart tag wrestling, great sense in build, the little components that bring everything together. This had it all. Everyone played their roles to absolute perfection. The Holy Demon Army worked on Kobashi's already injured leg in creative ways. Initially Taue threw small kicks to the leg as a defense against a tight wrist lock before going back to the leg every now and again. One thing I loved about this match is that everything took it's time. Nothing was rushed and carefully implemented. The match was built towards Kobashi nailing moonsault. It built towards Kawada hitting the powerbomb. It built towards Taue hitting his Nodowa off the apron. Everything had a struggle, it all mattered because they built it all so well. It was almost narrative perfection. This had a plethora of great moments, whether it was Kawada firing the first shot by kicking an unexpected Misawa off the top rope or Misawa rolling out of the ring after being hit with the Nodowa, or, best yet, Kobashi covering an out of it Misawa while Kawada was stomping the shit out him. Great moments that came in a logical setting along with the great atmosphere and overall narrative, this is one of the most elite matches ever. *****
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