Alexander Otsuka vs Daisuke Ikeda & Chigusa Nagayo Trio (Hair/Hair Matches & Omori Title Match)

Alexander Otsuka vs. Daisuke Ikeda - Battlarts B-MY BABY 04/11/1987
Excellent match. Otsuka was outstanding with his selling and strategic planning towards the end in order to make the comeback after Ikeda beat the heck out of him with every violent strike you can think of. Ikeda had no answer for the suplexes once Otsuka got into his stride. Once that first Dragon Suplex was hit, you could see that it was only a certain amount of time before he fell. Ikeda was in control for most of the match though. He kicked off the match with a headbutt to the temple and went on from there. Ikeda used his lariat perfectly until the final one which Otsuka countered and eventually used as the catalyst for his win, and kicked Otsuka’s leg until it was black and blue. Otsuka is perfect for the Hybrid style because he is insane, he sells so well and knows how to implement planchas believably into matches. ****1/4

Hair v Hair Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs Dump Matsumoto - AJW 28/08/1985
I forgot how short this actually was. It's just a short brawl but that's all this needed to be. The heat was off the charts for it. The drama was at an all time high as was Dump’s bullshit. Chigusa Nagayo is overwhelmed and falls to Dump, losing her hair in the process. Great match and angle but the feud is far from over. ****

Hair v Hair Match: Chigusa Nagayo vs Dump Matsumoto - AJW 07/11/1986
Undeniably the better of the two hair matches. The atmosphere, like always, is tremendous. And a lot of it comes from Dump and Chigusa, not the crowd which is telling a lot about how serious and intense they played this. I love the angle after the match too. Dump is trying to run away after losing before Chigusa basically cals her back, presumably calling her a coward or something to that degree and Dump is like “fuck that, I'm going back to prove my honour” and takes the hair cut like a champ. Dump is tremendous in his match with her brawling. She has no regard for anyone, including the ref and treats Chigusa like a dog via a chain. And when Chigusa starts gushing blood, she is on the wound like a shark using anything she can to make it worse. Chigusa’s selling is immense in the process. No one sells damage like her and she uses the crowd to her advantage perfectly to come off more sympathetic and make the eventual sneaky win more cathartic. ****1/2

3WA Championship Match: Yukari Omori (c) vs. Chigusa Nagayo - AJW War Dream 20/10/1987
Significant win for Chigusa who finally wins the 3WA Championship against a big rival of hers. Omori uses her size wonderfully to beat Chigusa down whether it's getting a lot of power in her palm strikes or being able to use her suplexes almost perfectly. That Ganso Bomb~! Chigusa’s selling was as strong as always except for the finish but nevertheless Omori still came out as impressive in defeat. Great title match. ****1/4
