Akira Hokuto vs. Shinobu Kandori - AJW St. Battle Final 1993 06/12/1993
This had everything. Incredible emotional drama with LCO, Aja Kong and Suzuka Minami helplessly watching as Kandori picks apart and destroys Hokuto, who isn't giving up the futile fight, insane violence that had purpose and hate behind it and great skill and selling. I think the match story can be summed up in some way by the opening bits. Kandori busted Hokuto’s mouth with her second punch of the match, planting Hokuto on the mat, during the opening exchanges. This reignites the hateful flair that made their first match so special as well as putting Hokuto immediately on the backfoot of which she isn't able to recover from. Kandori carries herself like a machine who toys with Hokuto initially, baiting Hokuto into a Fujiwara only to let it go because it was too easy but as the match carries on with Hokuto, one, refusing to go down repeatedly, and two, had some pivotal moments such as hitting a Northern Lights bomb on the outside, which could've been the catalyst for a potential comeback. This meant Kandori got more malicious and violent towards the end in order to get her win back. Kandori is an absolute beast and had clear superiority over Hokuto, but she also sold vulnerability perfectly when it was called on her to do so, making her performance complete. *****
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