AWA Southern Heavyweight Title No Disqualification Match: Jerry Lawler (c) vs. Dutch Mantel - CWA 22/03/1982
Cool match from Jerry Lawler’s point of view. Mantel was bland and generic when on offense but he served as a good foil for Lawler. The match was simple - the face shines, the heel cuts him off and takes over, and then the face makes a comeback (then they go to finish). The crowd was behind Lawler who was kicking Mantel’s ass with punches and the added violence with the use of chairs only increased that. Lawler’s last gasp or the win was well done. It seemed like the win was on the cusp before Mantel caught him with a punch and a sunset flip. ***1/4
Loser Leaves Town AWA Southern Title Match: Jerry Lawler (c) vs. Dutch Mantell - CWA Memphis Championship Wrestling TV 27/03/1982
The promos in the lead-up were really well done. Lance Russel said you can’t have a match this big on television, which put the match over as special but Mantel and Lawler insisted on it. The match itself was about on par with the March 22nd match despite being shorter. It was a pure fight with punches and chair shots. Super match. The angle takes precedence though. Dutch Martel, mid-match, said them fighting each other was stupid as they hae common enemies to face (First Family and Midnight Express) and Lawler, the ool, buys into it, as do the crowd, and gets attacked for his naivity. ***1/4
AWA Southern Heavyweight Title Barbed Wire Match: Dutch Mantel (c) vs. Jerry Lawler - CWA 29/03/1982
Excellent match. Mantel brought much more to this match than the March 22nd match - great, impactful offence and great selling. Mantel from what I can tell is a heel who is popular and in the midst of a turn. And this went a long way in showing that Mantel isn’t just a thug, but he is tough and has just as much endurance as Lawler. Speaking of Lawler. His selling was immense. Not only can he throw a punch, he can sell one (or many) excellently as well. The punch exchanges were solidly implemented throughout the match, mainly after the blood was drawn. Fantastic match to close the feud with Lawler winning. ****1/4
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