PROGRESS Title No Disqualification Match: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Marty Scurll - PROGRESS Chapter 25: Chat Shit Get Banged 24/01/2016
Nothing says British Wrestling than every American style finish you can think of packed into one match. And you'll find that it's not an exaggeration either. There is a ref bump in the middle of the match, Scrull almost makes Ospreay pass out via the Chicken Wing twice, surprising roll ups, a big babyface comeback following a beat down and handcuffs are used. It was quite excessive but they never lost the crowd or their heat for the match. The action was always moving along and these two know each other well enough to come up with incredibly tricked out counters that came off as fluid despite their complexity. The early parts of the match were mostly brawling on the outside and they were surprisingly able to make it work despite your first impressions. They made great use of the environment, using the balcony, with Ospreay hitting a lovely moonsault off the balcony after Scrull tried to faceplant him into the wall, the stage, with Scurll putting Ospreay through the announcers table and the crowd itself. There was a lot to talk about in this match as it was very dense and filled with moment creating spots. It could be too much for some people but I thought the match itself was big enough, by British Wrestling standards, to warrant such an epic layout. ****1/4
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