AJPW New Year Giant Series 1990

All Asia Tag Team Title Match: Footloose (Samson Fuyuki & Toshiaki Kawada) (c) vs. The Fantastics (Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers) - AJPW New Year Giant Series 1990 - Day 2 - 03/01/1990
This was an interesting match that seemed to get better as it progressed. The Fantastics were strong as a unit but weak individually, allowing Footloose win most of the exchanges with, mainly, Kawada being a real dick towards them, just coming in and kicking Rogers in the head while he’s in a pinning position. The closing stretch had some great high spots, like Rogers & Kawada reversing tombstones and The Fantastics’s Rocket Launcher spot. This was a good win for Footloose. ***

Jumbo Tsuruta & Tiger Mask vs. Revolution (Genichiro Tenryu & Samson Fuyuki) - AJPW New Year Giant Series 1990 - Day 10 - 14/01/1990
Tenryu truly does elevate anything he’s in, doesn't he? He outright bullies Tiger Mask, egging on Fuyuki to do the same, ripping the mask, pummeling him. Even for the finish, he smacks an ungodly lariat TM’s way. Jumbo is beside himself, constantly trying to come in to stop Revolution tactics but he gets the rub of 
the green when Tenryu hits him with a lariat while he has Fuyuki’s leg (a target established early on), knocking him deeper into  single leg, getting the tap. ***1/2

Isao Takagi & Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Revolution (Genichiro Tenryu & Toshiaki Kawada) - AJPW New Year Giant Series 1990 - Day 14 - 20/01/1990
After Takagi attacked Tenryu before his match with Ivan Koloff, Tenryu was out for blood, blowing Jumbo off wanting Takagi instead. And when Takagi showed nothing, Tenryu turned very disrespectful. We got some great moments with Jumbo and Tenryu as well but the magic of the match was Tenryu’s disdain for everyone. As he showed in the Jan 14th tag match, Tenryu’s actions can hurt his partners and that was the same here. Tenryu got violently angry with Fuchi and everyone else on the outside and when he was too busy being the one man show, Kawada got left alone and dealt with easily by Jumbo. Tenryu’s character work is immense but I love how it had a consequence. ***1/2

Jumbo Tsuruta, Mighty Inoue & The Great Kabuki vs. Revolution (Genichiro Tenryu, Samson Fuyuki & Toshiaki Kawada) - AJPW New Year Giant Series 1990 - Day 17 - 25/01/1990
An alright six man tag with more Tenryu against the world stuff and brawling. The finish was neat with Inoue hitting a flying headbutt onto Tenryu, knocking him out, causing a count out. Archaic match but it wasn't particularly great. **3/4

Genichiro Tenryu vs. Isao Takagi - AJPW New Year Giant Series 1990 - Day 20 - 28/01/1990
For a six minute match, I thought this was a great match that combined Tenryu’s hot spit fire and Takagi’s willingness to try. Like the tag match with Kawada and Jumbo, Takagi sprints at Tenryu, looking to get a quick advantage but Tenryu JUST gets a boot up to stop him in his tracks. Then Tenryu slowly beat Takagi with slaps, kicks and punches. Takagi had some moments but he failed to make them count, leading to his eventual loss. Tenryu didn't wait for any announcement and headed to the big. It was just another day in the office. ***1/4
