AJPW October Giant Series 1990

Super Generation Army (Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada) vs. Tsuruta-gun (Akira Taue & Jumbo Tsuruta) - AJPW October Giant Series 1990 - Day 2 - 30/09/1990
Perhaps a little too long but they made sure to use the time to put over Taue as an equal, elevating him to being someone on their level. The match was paced like you imagine for a 45 minute draw. It was slow and methodical early on with basic tag team action from the Misawa/Kawada team. This escalated as the match went on into more nearfalls, with Taue withstanding Misawa's bigger moves, Jumbo going crazy against the two. ****

Miracle Violence Connection (Steve Williams & Terry Gordy) vs. Super Generation Army (Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada) - AJPW October Giant Series 1990 - Day 7 - 07/10/1990
This was a fun tag team match mostly. Kawada put in a great performance as the FIP whether it was selling or taking it to the bigger gaijin wrestlers. Misawa was willing to throw stiff strikes as well during his hot tag. This had some interesting exchanges like the Stampede -> Fisherman Suplex sequence. The closing stretch was terrific as well. Tons of well done nearfalls and hot sequences, leading to Kawada being pinned by Gordy. ***1/2

Super Generation Army (Kenta Kobashi, Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada) vs. Tsuruta-gun (Akira Taue, Jumbo Tsuruta & Masanobu Fuchi) - AJPW October Giant Series 1990 - Day 16 - 19/10/1990
The current All Japan MOTY as of this date. Outstanding six man tag that is able to pack in everything the April 1st 1991 in a shorter match while doing little things differently. Taue and Kobashi were at way lower levels than they were then which adds a different dimension to everything. Taue is all heart and effort but the skill level fails him. He gets battered early on and even when he gets one up on Kawada with a suplex on the floor, Kawada gets revenge by going into the crowd and doing it back. There was a great surge of violence between those two. Kobashi was in a similar place but he was able to get more shine in, almost pinning Fuchi with his Olympic cradle. In addition to his spots with Fuchi - which included Fuchi throwing a chair into his face - Kobashi was able to, not only survive Jumbo's best moves, but beat him in a lot of exchanges. Misawa's sole purpose of the match was to hit Jumbo as hard as he could with the elbow. I swear that's all I remember him doing and that's okay. ****1/2
