Hiroshi Hase vs. Kentaro Shiga - AJPW New Year Giant Series 1997 - Day 1 - 02/01/1997
This is purely a showcase for Hiroshi Hase. Nothing more but the fans just wanted that. Hase twisted Shiga in a pretzel, did the Giant Swing and won in simple and easy fashion. Enjoyable. **1/2
AJPW World Tag Team Title Match: Johnny Ace & Steve Williams (c) vs. Holy Demon Army (Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada) - AJPW New Year Giant Series 1997 - Day 11 - 17/01/1997
This evidently was a huge win for the Holy Demon Army. Or perhaps the match was built so well that it climaxed in that sort of way. The first portions of the match weren’t that special but they were solid and laid the perfect setting for a great finishing stretch. We got some great Doc vs Kawada work. Taue continued his 1996 form whenever he was on the offensive and Ace was Johnny Ace. He was alright. And to end things, we got the iconic photo of Taue and Kawada. ***3/4
Akira Taue vs. Jun Akiyama - AJPW New Year Giant Series 1997 - Day 14 - 20/01/1997
4 minutes long. Good but not quite as epic as you'd think after watching it several times. Plus it gave birth to those annoying 4 minute losses Akiyama would do throughout his career where they don’t really put the opponent over despite the brevity. I enjoyed it though. Taue really made this match. ***1/4
Triple Crown Title Match: Kenta Kobashi (c) vs. Mitsuharu Misawa - AJPW New Year Giant Series 1997 - Day 14 - 20/01/1997
Upto this match, Kobashi and Misawa's rivalry was so far behind Kawada and Misawa's and even Kobashi and Kawada's. But this is a truly great equaliser. It's a classic match. Unbelievable in its pacing, offence, selling and its storytelling. The match picks up when Kobashi establishes himself over Misawa by attacking the neck initially before targeting Misawa's elbow. Although the crowd doesn't really buy into the work, it nevertheless is excellent submission work. It firmly puts Kobashi in control and gives Misawa trouble with his vast array of moves, such as the rare Orange Crush. Misawa's elbow is limited but Misawa continues to persist with it as per usual. My favourite moment of the match has to be Kobashi slamming Misawa's arm into his own shoulder at the corner post. His facial expressions and crowd working was masterful in making something that he did the whole match into one of the most significant and meaningful moments. One of the biggest spots of the match was Misawa no selling a Kobashi german only to be taken over by a drop seoi-nage into a cross arm breaker. That, for me, should've been the finish if Kobashi was the destined winner. Misawa's first comebacks were a little underwhelming but Kobashi quickly regained control which led to a much greater comeback later once Misawa hurt Kobashi's arm. Misawa selling the arm is one of the most praised things in the match but Kobashi selling the arm was some of the most compelling work of the decade. The closing stretch was magnificent. It was such a joy ride that the very important executives in suits in the front row were going just as crazy as the hardcore fans. It's one of those matches that does need to be seen by anyone. ****3/4
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