2/3 Fals Match: Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno vs. Gokuaku Domei (Bull Nakano & Dump Matsumoto)
This was total mayhem. I couldn't even distinguish the result of the falls and who won what at first. The first fall was the clash of styles. Yamazaki and Tateno tried to wrestle a purist style, but Gokuaku Domei ruined those plans by doing anything they could to disrupt the match with weapons, brawling, interference, shady refs and forced the babyface team to play by those roles leading to the double count out. The second and last fall was more traditional after the ref calmed the storm. Tateno had an awesome character moment while staring at Nakano with the numb-chucks. There was some solid wrestling but this fall was clipped to bits so it doesn't flow well. ***1/2
All Pacific Title Match: Devil Masami (c) vs. Chigusa Nagayo
This was epic. A real high level match built on smart submission wrestling, great striking and a smart build to the high spot of the match. One aspect of the match that I loved was how they never really moved on from the submission aspects of the bout. A lot of matches have a lot of submissions work and gradually move on but they chose to slow this down and go back to the submission, much to the benefit of the match. So compelling. This combines a lot of different styles with the frantic Joshi pacing with the UWF styled grappling and psychology driven bomb throwing. ****3/4
WWWA World Title Match: Jaguar Yokota (c) vs. Lioness Asuka
I began watching the top three matches of this show in April 2021 and 11 months later, I finally finished it. I always forget how cool Jaguar Yokota is. But when she makes her way to the ring, I find myself remembering. She was one hell of a wrestler as well, driving this match to a great standard with both quality submission wrestling and innovative high spots. I thoroughly recommend Catch Wrestling U’s thread on this as it highlights the knowledge and skill displayed. Yokota and Asuka were able to transition from a knuckle lock into a straightjacket suplex masterfully and get a big nearfall out of it, and there were many other good examples of flowing spots put together to create a nearfall. Great main event that could get outshadowed by the semi main event if watched together, so I’m glad it took me nearly a year to actually watch it. ****1/4
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