WCW World Television Title Match: Ricky Steamboat (c) vs Lord Steven Regal - WCW Fall Brawl 1993 - 19/09/1993
I love this era of Steamboat. Fans of the time say that was very stale - he even gets a few anti- Steamboat chants - but he has a real edge to it. He's willing to play up a subtle heel role just as well. In fact, if they made him an official heel, I genuinely think that he would've worked just as well. This was an excellent match though. Regardless of the practically dead crowd in which it was worked. Even Steamboat working the crowd couldn't get them going at any sustained rate. Steamboat's ribs are taped and Regal instantly goes for it. Steamboat's selling is phenomenal, both when Regal is slamming his palms into the area and when he's on offence. As Ventura rightfully points out, when you injure your ribs, everything hurts and Steamboat sold that idea perfectly. The technical wrestling is really masterful at times, and a lot of it comes from Steamboat. Steamboat was able to lock on an armbar from the floor using his feet. Regal suited working on the defensive side, working ways to escape, and reacting to what Steamboat was doing. The finish with Sir William, aka Bill Dundee, hitting Steamboat with his umbrella while he was doing the Skin The Cat spot was a great way to end things, protecting Steamboat in the process while giving Regal a villainous edge in a fairly new gimmick. ****1/4
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