GHC Heavyweight Title Match: Kaito Kiyomiya (c) vs. Timothy Thatcher - NOAH Global Honored Crown - 10/11/2022
Not Thatcher or Kiyomiya’s best work but it was an interesting display. In a world title match nonetheless. It was nothing short of interesting, at the very least. The few issues I had were some of Kiyomiya’s offence - despite what people might say, he’s not craftsmen - and the start of the match didn’t really come across as a world title bout. Kiyomiya really shouldn’t be bailing and waiting on the apron like some crafty heel but I really liked his defensive approach later in the match, which then complimented Thatcher. Thatcher was really great once it became less of a showcase and more of a will to win. The focused attack around the arm was very compelling to watch and allowed Thatcher’s best instincts to take over fully. As about as great as a 37 minute match can be without getting to THAT level. ***3/4
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