John Cena vs. Triple H - WWE Night Of Champions 2008 - 29/06/2008 Review

WWE Heavyweight Title Match: Triple H (c) vs. John Cena - WWE Night Of Champions 2008 - 29/06/2008
This was incredibly crafted in the grand scope view point. This was a big match, it felt big and they wrestled big. They established several things throughout the match, such as them being equals with different strengths - Cena’s being brawling and Triple H being the technical wrestler - as well as that Cena’s confidence can get the best of him, and he pays the price several times. The smaller details that fell flat were Triple H begins to work Cena’s back and it doesn’t really go anywhere. And while Triple H did a wondrous job at selling the leg, there was a broader focus for Cena to apply the STF than working it, which is against my preference. This was really good overall. The punch exchange felt gimmicky but everything else worked a treat for me. I think this established what it was meant to be in a competent and well done manner. ***3/4
