February '88 - 12/02 - 19/02 (Freebirds vs Von Erichs, Lawler vs Jarrett & Dusty vs Eaton)

World Class Championship Wrestling - 12/02/1988
Badstreet Rules Tag Team Match: The Cosmic Cowboys (Kerry von Erich & Kevin von Erich) vs. The Fabulous Freebirds (Buddy Roberts & Terry Gordy)
Pretty cool match. Just a mad brawl with not much rules to it. They emphasised chaos and excitement over structure and drama. A lot of the high spots were simply Kerry hitting Gordy with a fist and Kevin attempting the claw. Good action that was concluded with outside interference that led to a no-contest. ***1/4

Terry Taylor vs. Al Perez
This was supposed to be Terry Taylor’s debut match but that didn’t happen. Chris Adams entered the ring and said that he had earned a title match against Perez, this was followed by Terry Gordy doing the same thing and the whole thing erupting, climaxing with Terry Taylor solidifying his role as a heel when he piledrived Adams into the ground. Good segment. NR

AWA Championship Wrestling - 13/02/1988
Adrian Adonis vs. Greg Gagne
This felt a bit passe. I’m fond of little Greg but he’s so out of place here. Adonis should be killing him and he is presented as a maestro toying with Adonis. Adonis, despite his size, bumps crazy. The match is fine but it pales in comparison to the rest of the country really. **1/2

CWA Memphis Championship Wrestling TV - 13/02/1988
CWA Heavyweight Title Match: Jerry Lawler (c) vs. Jeff Jarrett
Cool studio match with Lawler putting down the young star. Lawler is the clear better of the two but Jarrett proves his promise with how he gives Lawler trouble. A young Jeff Jarrett is a hell of a bumper, which was mostly proved in the brawl with Dundee following the match after he interfered. Lawler was unaware of the interference and got the win. Dundee goes wild with a chair and a chain, much to the ire of Lance Russell and Jerry Jarrett. ***

NWA World Wide Wrestling - 13/02/1988
NWA United States Heavyweight Title No Disqualification Match: Dusty Rhodes (c) vs. Bobby Eaton (w/Jim Cornette)
Rematch from the previous week. No DQ match. This is another Dusty centred match with Dusty throwing wild strikes with Eaton bumping for them. And like last week, Eaton works the knee again. Dusty’s selling is pretty terrible but at least Eaton has offence. The finish is godawful, yet another example of something Cornette would rip apart today. Eaton hurts Dusty enough to draw a count close enough to seem like a count-out victory. Bobby Eaton celebrates knowing full well that he doesn’t get the title, making him look like a complete fool. And then Dusty rolls him up for the win. What a stupid turn of events. **1/2 

AWA - 19/02/1988
AWA World Tag Team Title Match: The Midnight Rockers (Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels) (c) vs. The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags)
The Rockers were hot commodities at this time. After getting fired from the WWF, they went back to the AWA to be their top face team and were top heels in Memphis too which I don’t believe is available really. This match is rather slow paced and more technical than the high spots match you’d expect. The Rockers completely schooled the Nasty Boys, who pinged themselves around. The momentum never truly amounted to anything but it was a solid introduction to the Rockers for this project. Marty Janetty wins with a diving splash. ***1/4

AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Curt Hennig (c) vs. Jerry Lawler
I totally forgot that Hennig was nicknamed ‘Cool Curt’. God that’s so lame. Damn you Verne. I love Lawler but he seems miscasted in this role, in this town. Hennig gets booed because he’s the face but Lawler also gets boos. They aren’t overwhelming though.The first moments are lock-ups and steady little spots where Hennig would get a cheap shot and walk out. Hennig’s body language is excellent here. He is far from likeable. Seemed irritated, and seemed very unapproachable which helped Lawler’s cause. His popularity seems to rise because of it, especially when Lawler throws punches. They conclude with a double DQ according to the commentators, although results show a DQ win for Hennig. Good match with a good angle afterwards where Lawler threw Hennig’s right hand into the post. Something to keep in mind for future matches. ***1/2

EMLL Super Viernes - 19/02/1988
Super Libre El Egipcio vs MS-1
Never seen an Egipcio match before but MS-1 is well known around these parts. Super Libre means No DQ. MS-1 is a nasty rudo whereas Egipcio is a pure technical style performer. He has a cool triple arm-wringer spot, alongside other arm based moves, which proved pivotal for the finish. The match was pretty cool. I like lucha but not seen much from the era outside of the bigger names. ***
