January '88 - 25/01 - 30/01 (Hogan/Bam Bam vs Dibiase and Virgil, Marty Jones vs Bulldog Joynson & TNT vs Abdullah)

WWF on MSG Network - 25/01/1988
Bam Bam Bigelow & Hulk Hogan (w/Oliver Humperdink) vs. Ted DiBiase & Virgil (w/Andre The Giant)
WWF was still trying to make Bigelow a big star in this era which is understandable as its Bam Bam Bigelow. And here he is, teaming with Hulk Hogan. Virgil isn't much of a wrestler despite his experience, but Dibiase carries the load very well for his team. He looks strong against Hogan in the meantime as well, largely controlling the champion, only occasionally needing Andre's help. Hogan's great at selling and his FIP sections are really compelling, particularly when he's trying to mount a comeback. Bigelow is a decent hot tag guy. He destroys Virgil when he comes in and gets the win for his team with the splash. But Dibiase and Andre attack after the bell and it's chaos. The brawl is actually pretty hot with Bigelow hitting a drop kick on Andre that knocks him down and Hogan grabs a chair to warn off Dibiase and Virgil. Cool match, but a more extensive closing was needed for something more. ***

The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith & The Dynamite Kid) vs. The Islanders (Haku & Tama)
The Bulldogs looked for revenge and attacked the Islanders from the jump, establishing themselves as the aggressors. Although the match lulled slightly, the Islanders got back in it to make it an even field which was different compared to the standard tag formula. The Islanders were great as heels when they taunted the Bulldogs with the dog collar. Surprisingly great character work. The match peaked when Dynamite was making his comeback. The fans exploded when he hit the double clothesline. The DQ finish allows the Bulldogs to get some revenge on the Islanders while postponing the comeuppance just a little longer. ***1/4

Joint Promotions - 26/01/1988
World Mid-Heavyweight Title Match: Marty Jones (c) vs Colin Joynson
Late stage Marty Jones but this was still cool to see. I’ve never seen nor heard of Joynson, and he doesn’t give a great impression based on looks. However, he was trained by Billy Riley, and a lot of British wrestlers who don’t always look like athletes turn out to be killers. The match was basic in its structure. Jones gets a win in the 3rd fall following a running trip and Joynson gets one in the next fall or maybe the one after with a boston crab. The match is full of great technical work, mostly around the arm. Loads of knuckle locks, americana armbars and other holds. It’s basically an exhibition for solely that largely with Joynson pushing Jones to the brink throughout. And then finally Jones is able to out wrestle Joynson and submits him with a boston crab of his own. A hard fought yet simple match. Jones is given the title by British legend Mick McManus who is received well by the crowd. Who doesn’t love a legend? ***1/2

AJPW New Year Giant Series 1988 - Day 22 - 28/01/1988
Abdullah The Butcher & TNT vs. John Tenta & Jumbo Tsuruta
I didn’t think much of this in all truth. I only watched it because Earthquake is in the match. It’s a standard bout with the spot of the match being TNT accidently spiking Abdullah. I’m sure someone can get more value out of this than I. Massive crowd brawl follows, which is the main reason to watch this. **1/4

Stampede - 29/01/1988
Stampede International Tag Team Title Match: Bad Company (Brian Pillman & Bruce Hart) (c) vs. Gama Singh & Gerry Morrow
About 4 minutes of what was likely a longer bout. But it shows small glimpses of what Stampede was doing at this time. According to the sheets, they are doing good work but we never see it. This is where I hate the territory style of TV. You aren’t getting fans in the buildings anyway, just show the fucking matches. The finish had Singh throwing salt towards Pilman but missing him and getting Morrow instead. Pilman pins Morrow for the win or so it would seem. The ref sees the salt and awards the bout to the heels, assuming Bad Company threw the salt. Understandable. Not a bad finish either in theory too. NR

Capitol Sports Promotions - 30/01/1988
WWC North American Heavyweight Title Match: TNT (c) vs. Abdullah The Butcher
A short, brisky in-ring brawl that doesn’t really go the floor. TNT is the babyface I assume given the pops he gets when on offence, especially after the impressive suplex he gives Abby. Both bleed and punch and kick. Not much really to gravitate to but it’s not terrible either. It was watchable and easily enjoyable. Abby wins with a standing elbow drop. **3/4
