Bret Hart vs Ric Flair - WCW Debut

Bret Hart vs Ric Flair - WCW/nWo Souled Out 1998 - 24/01/1998
This was an outstanding way to put over Bret on his debut in terms of actual wrestling. The fans aren't hot for this, in a typical in-out sort of way. They are kind of invested but don't make much noise, possibly because of audio issues. But nevertheless, Flair does a terrific job is making Bret seem always better than him while a finding tricks to put a chink in Bret's armour as to keep this competitive enough for a semi main event. Bret completely bests Flair early on, overcoming all the little things Flair usually does to establish dominance. Bret works with a meanness. He's not afraid to slap Flair in the mouth, play a little dirty or throw a punch or two. Flair works the leg as does Bret but ultimately Bret kept getting the best of Flair until he beats Flair with tue Sharpshooter. It's a simple match. Not much drama or electric dream match atmosphere, but the great, earnest fundamentals and strong execution of the story they were telling did the trick for me. ****1/4
