March '88 - 19/03 - 26/03 (Rockers vs Badd Company, Hase vs Koshinaka & Fantastics vs MNX Classic)

AWA - 19/03/1988
AWA World Tag Team Title Match: The Midnight Rockers (Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels) (c) vs. Badd Company (Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond)
The Rockers likely handed in their notice by this point, hence the change. Badd Company are the future Orient Express but here there isn’t that finesse although Tanaka had a cool flip bump. The finish came from Marty Jannetty being thrown into the post and causing bleeding and enough of a blow to get the pin. New Champs. Two more of your top guys are gone. The end is nigh. **1/2

NWA World Wide Wrestling - 19/03/1988
Ric Flair vs Ricky Santana
Ricky Santana was getting a few opportunities in this era, so they must have liked something about him. Admittedly, he doesn’t look like a star but he’s decent in the ring. Not great though, not good enough to kind of shine out of what Flair gave him which was more than generous. Flair eventually wins, not that’s a surprise, via the ropes, and Sting sticks his nose in to try to tell the ref of the injustice. They scrap and in-comes Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillion to overwhelm Sting. Soon Barry Windham and Lex Luger save him from hospitalisation. Cool angle to solidify the Clash. ***

NJPW Big Fight Series 1988 - Day 16 - 19/03/1988
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Hiroshi Hase (c) vs. Shiro Koshinaka
Two foes clash once more. Koshinaka has a stomp, kick, bomb style whereas Hase is all wrestling, and it shows when each guy takes offence. Hase had this great little take down where he manoeuvred around Koshinaka with a few steps and took his back for a sleeper. This steadily progressed into false finishes and nearfalls which were predictably well put together. The crowd is hot for a potential Koshinaka win and throws streams in anticipation when Koshinaka has Hase trapped in a sleeper while in the middle of the ring. The finish was pretty excellent too - Hase caught Koshinaka in a dragon suplex when he attempted a hip attack of the ropes. Koshinaka couldn't believe it but he lost fair and square. Awesome match, one of many the Juniors have put together this year. ***3/4

WCCW - 25/03/1988
World Class World Heavyweight Title Match: Kerry von Erich (c) vs. Iceman King Parsons
Decent sort of match for this era in the territory. Kerry has to really carry the action but Parsons has enough personality to be more than a broom stick. The key spot of the match is maybe one of the first uses of the lights out gimmick, the earliest I’ve seen anyway. The lights shut off and there is confusion and when they come back Kerry von Erich is out cold and Parsons pins him to win the belt. Michael Hayes, who was at ringside, was missing when the lights came back. Was he involved? **1/2

NWA Pro - 26/03/1988
Non-Title Match: The Fantastics (Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers) vs. The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) (w/Jim Cornette)
The first clash between the Fantastics and the Midnights. Aired the day before the COTC which makes this really well timed. The Fantastics are put over huge early on, outsmarting the Midnights, using flash as well as smarts to control the US Tag champs. The crowd goes electric whenever the Fantastics outwit the Midnights in an exchange, including one particularly spot where Stan Lane accidently monkey flipped Bobby Eaton. The clear aim of this is to establish the Fantastics as this sensation by having them dominate some of the better wrestlers in the promotion, who are known for their smarts in the ring by the fans. The Fantastics beat the Midnight Express at their own game essentially. The Midnights do get some offence, plenty of it as such. But it comes later in the match, and the danger that the Fantastics can come back instantly is always there. The fan continues to be raucous as Fulton gets worked over and Rogers paces on the apron. The Midnight Express continues the electric pace from the early goings, implementing some excellent double team moves while remaining villainous. And they land the hot tag and closing stretch perfectly. Rogers come in and changes the game until Eaton throws him out of the ring and then just as Easton dives for the splash, Rogers pulls Fulton out of the way and Rogers hits one of his own for the win and a huge pop from the crowd. Excellent match bell to bell. Great heat. I never really loved the Fantastics whenever I've seen them. This match included, but this really resonated with me this time around. Both teams were excellent in their performances, in differing ways. ****1/2
