March '88 27/03 - 28/03(Wrestlemania IV & Lawler vs Gilbert)

WWF WrestleMania IV - "What The World Is Watching" - 27/03/1988

Battle Royal: Sam Houston vs. Ken Patera vs. Boris Zhukov vs. King Harley Race vs. The Junkyard Dog vs. Jim Neidhart vs. Bad News Brown vs. Bret Hart vs. Paul Roma vs. B. Brian Blair vs. George Steele vs. Jim Brunzell vs. Jacques Rougeau vs. Ron Bass vs. Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hillbilly Jim vs. Danny Davis vs. Raymond Rougeau vs. Sika vs. Jim Powers

A battle royal that's really designed to get people on the card. I believe the Killer Bees leave after this match so it's an goodbye for them. Sika gets eliminated quickly too and that's it for him on PPVtoo. The biggest story of the match was George Steele on the floor either refusing to leave or not understanding that he has to get into the ring. And finally, Bad News Brown and Bret Hart teaming together to eliminate JYD before Bad News turns on Bret with a Ghetto Blaster and wins the match for himself. Bret gets incensed and destroys the trophy. It seems they are setting the scenes for a Hart Foundation face turn. Okay opening match. **1/2

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament First Round Match: Ted DiBiase (w/Andre The Giant & Virgil) vs. Jim Duggan

Exhibit #1 in this potentially being a great tournament. These two had great matches in Mid-South but Duggan has turned into a gimmick. He's still fine as a worker however. But with the nature of the tournament, these two were always gonna be pacing themselves. Dibiase bumps nicely for Duggan's punches and a nice back body drop. But this goes home quickly. Andre trips Duggan on the floor and decks him hard enough while Dibiase knees him in the back. And that's all she wrote. **1/2

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament First Round Match: Don Muraco (w/Superstar Billy Graham) vs. Dino Bravo (w/Frenchy Martin)

The highlight of this was Jesse Ventura saying Billy Graham beat an easy champion to be WWF Champion. Bruno Sammartino catching strays. This was fine. Muraco is swollen and washed so he can't do much, and he's the better of the two. They try their best for the occasion and it's just about average before Bravo gets himself DQ'd. **1/4

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament First Round Match: Greg Valentine (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. Ricky Steamboat

This isn't a classic but the work is always good. Stiff and snug, especially when they are trading chops and strikes. Valentine gets too friendly with the timber spot but I dig him in the match mostly. He and Steamboat have good chemistry, and they make good use of the time which is nearly 10 minutes. ***1/4

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament First Round Match: Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. Butch Reed (w/Slick)

Another example of the potential greatness of the tournament. Unlike the previous, this gets half the length so it relies on small moments like Savage struggling to get a suplex and Reed getting one with ease. And then the finish where Reed gets distracted by the mere sight of Elizabeth, allowing Savage to slam him off the top and hit his top rop elbow. **1/2

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament First Round Match: Bam Bam Bigelow (w/Oliver Humperdink) vs. The One Man Gang (w/Slick)

This had no chance. Bam Bam Bigelow’s still got a funny leg and One Man Gang isn't exactly Terry Gordy in the ring. This is quick though. **

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament First Round Match: Jake Roberts vs. Rick Rude (w/Bobby Heenan)

The crowd shits on this and most fans of these two do so as well. Rude is hold-heavy at the best of times, but this is a 15 minute match in front of a very casual crowd. I think they spice things up early in the match doing an extended wrist lock with Rude selling extravagantly and then there was a criss-cross. Where the match crawls is the chin lock Rude applies. Roberts sells the move really well, selling the effectiveness with the heavy breathing and the sluggish movements. Roberts made some decent comebacks that the crowd does get behind. But it doesn't go anywhere. Finally the bell rings. It's a draw. Both are out. Better than its reputation but these two can do better than this on another day. Definitely. **1/2

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Hercules (w/Bobby Heenan)

Maybe one of the matches that didn’t need to be on the show. This wasn’t much of a match. A lot of clubbing blows and lumbering moves. The finish is stupid too. Hercules locks on full nelson and Warrior kicks them backwards, and there is a double pin. There is confusion with who won and it was Warrior. **

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament Quarter Final Match: Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant (w/Ted DiBiase & Virgil)

This was pretty fun for what it is. And what it is is a cheap way to get out of one of these two progressing which I get but they could’ve had a longer match that wasn’t just them running through spots. But still, on a show like this, this had some entertainment value. This was the match to see on the show anyways. They end up with a double DQ which sets up the winner of Dibiase and Muraco to advance with a bye. **1/2

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament Quarter Final Match: Don Muraco (w/Superstar Billy Graham) vs. Ted DiBiase

Muraco looked better here but that’s thanks to Dibiase’s great bumping which carries things. **1/4

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament Quarter Final Match: Greg Valentine (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth)

A rare solid match in the tournament. Both guys aren’t exactly tired but they aren’t going all out for 6 minutes. But still, this had its moments. **3/4

WWF Intercontinental Title Match: The Honky Tonk Man (w/Jimmy Hart & Peggy Sue) (c) vs. Brutus Beefcake

A fun match for these two. It was brisk with a lot of crowd play and big bumps from the Honky Tonk Man. Beefcake proved in the Valentine match that he isn’t up to working a house show match, but in these big settings, he can shine with his personality and hair cutting. And that’s all this needed. **3/4

Koko B. Ware & The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith & The Dynamite Kid) vs. Bobby Heenan & The Islanders (Haku & Tama)

Another match that wasn't needed. And while Heenan can be a fun performer, this wasn't much of a match. Okay match that could've been on an MSG House Show. **1/4

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi Final Match: The One Man Gang (w/Slick) vs. Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth)

Another good performance by Savage. Great selling of both fatigue and of OMG's beatdown of him. Gang is in firm control, having Savage on the verge of winning multiple times but stupidly decides to use the cane and gets caught. Savage advances to the finals. **3/4

WWF World Tag Team Title Match: Strike Force (Rick Martel & Tito Santana) (c) vs. Demolition (Ax & Smash) (w/Mr. Fuji)

I’m sure these two have better matches in them on the road. But on a show like this, this was good enough. Demolition work over Strike Force, Tito particularly. There wasn’t much drama but I think they still was able to put together the typical tag formula in a decent enough manner. Strike Force got screwed but it protected them in their title loss. ***

WWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament Final Match (vacant): Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. Ted DiBiase (w/Andre The Giant)

This was awesome. The whole show was fairly dire and this was almost worth it for all that. Even if it took me around 6 hours to get through it all. But I do think this was a really good match with no asterisks attached to it. The flaws of the match were also one of its biggest highlights - Hogan. The crowd just chanted for Hogan when he wasn’t there, the one of the biggest pops was for him and he directly influenced the finish. But it’ll be harsh to say it’s not a big moment for Savage when he hits that elbow and wins the WWF title. The match is Dibiase working over a fatigued Savage with Andre in his corner, tripping Savage whenever he gets some steam and interfering. It’s one story but it’s terrifically executed. The cutoffs are great, Dibiase is smooth as ever, Savage’s bumping and selling is outstanding and the whole package works. It’s not their SNME match but it’s really good wrestling. Hogan adds a different layer to the match for sure and makes for a good equaliser for Andre. Hogan hits Dibiase with the chair and helps Savage win, essentially sealing the Mega Powers being together. ***1/2

CWA Mid-South Coliseum 1988 - 28/03/1988

Eddie Gilbert (w/Missy Hyatt) vs. Jerry Lawler

A fun match. Classic Lawler with the big punches and Gilbert bumping like a maniac. Not the more deep match in Memphis but it succeeded at doing what Memphis has always done well at its core. The crowds are almost gone, but the spirit was still among the two wrestlers. This is culminated with Lawler releasing a fireball in Gilbert’s face which sends him away. Fun angle. Crazy for the period. ***1/2
