AJPW Summer Action Series I 1994
AJPW World Tag Team Title Match: Super Generation Army (Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa) (c) vs. Johnny Ace & Steve Williams - AJPW Summer Action Series I 1994 Day 17 22/07/1994
An awesome lead into the Triple Crown title match. Williams looked like a badass and incredibly strong with Misawa struggling against him and showing great chemistry with Johnny Ace in the process. Misawa and Kobashi looked solid and cohesive as a unit as well. Johnny Ace proved his worth in the match as well. Not just a cog in the wheel. This followed wonderfully too. Everything got some shine and climaxed it well. ****
Triple Crown Title Match: Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs. Steve Williams - AJPW Summer Action Series I 1994 Day 21 28/07/1994
This was a brilliant match and a brilliant Dr Death performance to conclude Misawa’s first Triple Crown Title reign. Almost everything Williams did in this match looked great. So much fire and prowess in his offence whether it be strikes, slams or mat-work. It’s definitely a great example of his growth as a wrestler over the past two years, previously being one of the more boring wrestlers on the roster and now being very exciting. He was excellent on offence as well. Everything Williams pulled out was to target the neck of Misawa, which was injured throughout the year, and was used to maximise his signature moves even further. Misawa can sometimes get overshadowed in his matches, for whatever reason, but he delivers an immense performance complimenting Williams perfectly with his selling and how his comebacks feed into Williams regaining control and eventually the win. The struggle and fight for the Backdrop Driver was gripping for everyone. Misawa is trying his best to get out of any attempts, at one point even thwarting the momentum of Williams mid-flight using the ropes, hitting many close elbows but Williams continued to ride through them all to hit the Backdrop Driver. Loved the finish with Williams yanking Misawa’s arm into the Backdrop Driver position while Misawa was throwing elbows as well. Misawa was using the elbows to defend the whole match but it failed to work in the end. ****1/4
AJPW Summer Action Series II 1994
AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Dan Kroffat (c) vs. Yoshinari Ogawa - AJPW Summer Action Series II 1994 Day 11 03/09/1994
It’s neat seeing a Junior title match in full. It wasn’t anything special but Ogawa was impressive when selling and getting sympathy from the crowd. A serviceable match. ***
Stan Hansen vs. Jun Akiyama - AJPW Summer Action Series II 1994 Day 11 03/09/1994
Classic vet vs rook match with Hansen in complete control but Akiyama showing some fight. Hansen knows how to give a beating but Hansen more than does his share of bumping and selling for the young prodigy. ***
Triple Crown Title Match: ‘Dr Death’ Steve Williams (c) vs. Kenta Kobashi - AJPW Summer Action Series II 1994 Day 11 03/09/1994
This was a big occasion since this was Dr Death’s first title defence as Triple Crown champion since defeating Misawa in July. Who better to defend against that Kobashi after their great match in 93? And this was pretty much on par with that, only twice as long. The match started off a little slow with a few mano e mano spots, trading chops, a test of strength spot, even a shoulder block where Kobashi knocks Willams down and hits a stunning crossbody to the outside from the top rope. I think that they do a really good job of establishing Kobashi as a threat that way, with him dominating Wiliams, forcing him to fight from beneath, even if it’s not the most interesting to watch. The match kinda retained that slow pace as the match progressed, but with Williams getting more into it, the offence got more intense and creative with Williams turning a bearhug into a lovely belly-to-belly suplex. The crowd started getting into the match more when Kobashi started to throw some big bombs and began countering Williams’ offence more and more, chanting “Kobashi” after one of his trademarked running lariats. Loved the moment of the match where Willams almost necked Kobashi with a suplex and then just threw him out of the ring and onto the floor like he was nothing. Love the little spurts of fun that he puts into the match like that. Kobashi’s moonsault was used to great effect with the first successful one being a great near fall and the second attempt being missed after Williams desperately scrambles away. Kobashi’s leg drop from the top rope was beautifully well timed with him hitting Willimas perfectly as he turned over from his front, as was his entire offence the whole match. The finish was pretty good with Williams being unable to put Kobashi away with the Backdrop driver, building and building to him finally being able to cover him, hitting one on the turnbuckle (of all places) and then one in the middle of the ring before finally beating Kobashi. Now I didn’t think this needed to go over 40 minutes but it was still a pretty great match. It was a great showcase of Kobashi and allowed Williams to shine whilst being the defensive one of the match. ****1/4
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