April '88 - 22/04 - 25/04 (Saito/Vader vs Inoki/Fujinami, Windham joins the Horseman!, Fuller vs Lawler)
NJPW Super Fight Series 1988 - Day 10 - 22/04/1988
Keiichi Yamada & Shiro Koshinaka vs. Hiroshi Hase & Kuniaki Kobayashi
A tad clipped, but this was another rocking match built primarily around Hase and Koshinaka’s rivalry. Kobayashi and Hase heel it up at time which added a fun dynamic to a go-go type of match. Great pacing and good excitement. ***1/2
Big Van Vader & Masa Saito vs. Antonio Inoki & Tatsumi Fujinami
I think the finish is predictable enough, but these matches are always really good, combining four really good wrestlers all at different points in their careers and it really can’t do no wrong. Vader has really got it now as a worker and basically looks like the guy he would become. He and Inoki are sublime together, although they never go anywhere in this sort of setting. Saito and Fujinami are pros at being supporting characters in that feud also. Strong angle with the heels beating down the faces as the bell rings. ***1/4
NWA World Championship Wrestling - 23/04/1988
NWA World Tag Team Title Match: Barry Windham & Lex Luger (c) vs. The Four Horsemen (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) (w/JJ Dillon)
A return match between the former tag team champions and the current champions from the first Clash of the Champions. A match that was MOTN in my opinion. And the finish and angle is quite famous, so I am excited to see this play out. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham start with a quick lock up with Windham hitting a short punch and then out-wrestling Arn in the following lock up. JR and Schivone put over Windham’s talents which are complimented wonderfully by him outclassing the Horseman. The Horseman are masters at bumping and feeding for the faces who are the better wrestlers and use that trait to full effect in act 1. Arn gives most respect to that when he even hesitates to get into the ring to confront Windham after getting tagged in. The crowd is hot for the match, popping and cheering at every single moment. Even when the Horseman get the moment, they are cheering for Windham and Luger, particularly Windham who is world class in this match with his offence and selling. Luger has a great hot tag but it’s cut off with a kick to the knee before the first commercial break. Luger is working towards a comeback when we return but Arn hits a great DDT and cuts his attempts off clean. Luger is put over strong, kicking out of the biggest moves possible in the match but the Horseman are so mechanically in keeping Luger somewhat sedated and keep the drama as a result. That’s terrific pro wrestling. Windham’s hot tag is good but short as the Horseman AGAIN cut him off. The drama still remains on Luger though as he’s hurt badly on the floor and bleeding too. He can’t even get to the apron which was a great idea choice, and it proves significant in the finish when Windham attempts to tag out but Luger isn’t there. JJ Dillon says to Windham “I told you that he wouldn’t be there”. A confusing statement but that obviously triggers Windham to attack Luger at this perceived abandonment. A HEEL TURN! Damn Windham puts Luger down and they lose the tag team championships. Windham leaves with Dillion and signs the Horseman sign. Barry no! The Midnight Rider has arrived too late and goes to confront the Horseman in the locker room. Big mistake. The heels attack him and attempt to take his mask off. The faces make the save to conclude this big angle. This was awesome. ****1/4
NWA Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup 1988 - Day 2 - 23/04/1988
Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup 1988 Final Match: Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/JJ Dillon) vs. Lex Luger & Sting (w/Magnum TA)
It’s unfortunate that most of these tournament matches aren’t available with any great length and rather than bog myself down with a collection of clips, I’ll skip to the finals. Luger is out for revenge against the Horseman following his previous defeat and loss of both the titles and a friend to the Horseman. Luger commits to hurting Arn and Tully. Sting is more level headed but isn’t absent of harbouring feelings either. This is fairly traditional in terms of Horseman tags. Quickly the Horseman gains control and do the double FIP section. Luger is the hot tag guy and they go to the finish without much drama, as both teams are tired by this point. But Magnum’s involvement did cause some interest. Arn grabbed him by the hair but Luger capitalised on the mistake and rolled him up to win the grand prize of one million dollars. Good match. ***1/4
CWA Mid South Coliseum 1988 - 25/04/1988
Robert Fuller vs. Jerry Lawler
This is a short but extremely fun match. Fuller is fully playing the chicken shit hell to Lawler’s badass. He is doing every trick by stalling, begging off, running away to put Lawler off his game and lure him into lowering his guard. But the games only allow snippets of success before Lawler kicks his ass to restart the cycle. Lawler almost loses his cool and gets himself DQ’d but he gets away with a lenient call but Rober Fuller takes advantage nonetheless. Robert Fuller eventually got distracted by Kenny Dee, allowing Lawler to role Fuller up, making him taste his own medicine. Memphis was dying but these sort of matches still provide some life. ***1/4
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